Hello! I am a newbie and starting over again

Hi there,

I am very new to this website. I am very excited to get healthy again. I am up and down with the scale. But, for the last 3 years it has been more up than down.

I need advise, the more the better! I am excited to use this site. I am nervous about this diet, I am afraid I will fail. I used to loose weight very easily, but I could gain weight just as easy. Now, I just gain and gain. I do not want to fail anymore... I am scared that I may never loose weight again since the birth of my son.... Silly and sad, I know. But, I have a syndrome that makes me gain weight called PCOS.

I own a Gazelle, but not sure if you can loose weight off of it... It seems like more of a standing swing. Has anyone lost weight off the Gazelle? Very curious.

Thank you all for reading, I appreciate your time.



  • spazmother0727
    spazmother0727 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there,

    I am very new to this website. I am very excited to get healthy again. I am up and down with the scale. But, for the last 3 years it has been more up than down.

    I need advise, the more the better! I am excited to use this site. I am nervous about this diet, I am afraid I will fail. I used to loose weight very easily, but I could gain weight just as easy. Now, I just gain and gain. I do not want to fail anymore... I am scared that I may never loose weight again since the birth of my son.... Silly and sad, I know. But, I have a syndrome that makes me gain weight called PCOS.

    I own a Gazelle, but not sure if you can loose weight off of it... It seems like more of a standing swing. Has anyone lost weight off the Gazelle? Very curious.

    Thank you all for reading, I appreciate your time.

  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    Hey there and welcome! Congrats for taking the first step taking control of your life and what you want to change as far as your health and appearance...

    I had a gazelle and I would do it for 15-20 mins in the morning and 15-20 mins in the evening and increase the resistance and I lost weight. even thought its easy or seems easy you are getting your heart beat up and that counts as cardio :)

    Don't beat yourself up with doubt and worries about failing. Just take it a day at a time and stay positive. Everyone has down days, cheat days, "I can't take it anymore" days...you just have to think ok well I will start over again NOW...and go forward with that mindset.

    You didn't gain weight over night and you certainly will not lose it over night... and eating healthy is a learning process that after time will hopefully (lol) become a daily habit...

    God Luck there are TONS of ppl on here with fabulous advice and success stories.. YOu can do it!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK:smile: I sold my gazzel. just didnt do anything for me.
  • gmpearse
    Hey, welcome and good luck reaching your goals. I've never had a gazelle but they always looked interesting to use. I use a stationary bike but I am back in school so I read while doing the cardio. I guess that is called multi-tasking. I have a cousin with the same syndrome as you, she gets frustrated as well. Hang in there!
  • spazmother0727
    spazmother0727 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thank you so very much for your response! I appreciate your helpful words. I have set a date to start, on October 11. But, I feel that it is healthy to get signed up and get some helpful advise from nice people like you.

    Our house is very small. We are trying to find ways to make room. If we have enough room I am going to get an elliptical. But, for now I will work with the Gazelle, at least it is something right? I live in Minnesota so I will walk outside until it gets too cold to walk the outdoors.

    Any helpful advise is very welcome. Like I said, I am starting over it feels as if I have never lost weight before in my life. I know that I have and if I am strong and not think of this as a life sentence and more like a healthy lifestyle I could make it work. The calorie counter is wonderful... It even counts take out! I love that for when I eat out for celebrations and it is free! Other than some that I have looked at.

    Thank you again!