Is it possible for me to weigh less than 150lbs?



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I want your arms. haha you look amazing!

    Thank you! *blush* My husband calls them man arms...he hates them. LOL! But I work my BUTT off at the gym, so i don't want to just look thin...I want to look like I put some WORK in to it. :-D Do you have Body Pump at your gym? I attribute it all to that program. I now teach it.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Oh no, it isn't a bad thing to have your cortisol levels increase. Higher cortisol protects your joints, so that is good. But people who think that working out for 2 hours straight makes you lose more than someone who works out for 30 is incorrect. So, here it is, I eat anywhere from 1900-2500 calories (more if I do a race) and I work out 2 hours a day, approximately. Sometimes less, sometimes more, but I average 2 hours 6 days a week. You'd think the weight would fall off, NOPE. The harder you work, your body produces more cortisol to protect your joints, and cortisol also makes your body hold onto fat. So my weight loss is the same rate of speed as someone who eats say 1400-1600 calories and works out 20-30 minutes a day 4 days a week. So why do I do this? Because I LOVE triathlon! LOL. Hope this helps.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Holy jumpin'! What muscles you have graysmom! If you are in that great a shape, just push that doctor out the window. Muscles weigh more than fat but take up a lot less room and the 'averages' charts simply don't take that into account. My sister-in-law is built like you and is about 5'6" at 150 pounds. She is in incredible shape. She LOOKS like most of the 130 pound women I know, but is way more fit and toned. Check your BF% and start measuring yourself by that number, rather than what the scale says. I just don't think the scale number applies to you anymore. You are gorgeous! When I grow up, I want to look just like you!
