Feeling guilty for eating too much food!!

clipperty Posts: 9
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
I am new to MFP and only joined on Monday. I started my diet on Sunday and my exercise routine on Friday last week which includes a 40 minute cardio session and 30 minutes weight session 3 times per week plus taking the dogs on a brisk 40 minute walk each night after tea.

The problem I have got is that I am feeling so full and bloated all the time as I feel like I am eating too much food. I am eating twice what I would normally eat but have obviously changed the types of food I eat to healthy and have given up full fat coke in place of water and cut my coffee down to 1 cup a day from 8-9 cups. To be honest the main of my calorie intake was made up of coke an coffee as I am used to only eating one meal a day. Yes I know bad isnt it.

All you hardened MFP members please assure me that I will loose weight. I seem to be eating 3 times the amount I would normally having started eating breakfast and lunch as well as snacks and tea. The big problem I have got is that I am struggling get my calorie intake up to 1200 a day. I am scared of going into starvation mode this is what I eat yesterday:-

Bowl of cornflakes with semi skimmed milk

Light choice tuna and cucumber sandwich
Greek youghut, grenoa and fruit

Mince and gravy
cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and broccolli
Baby new potatoes

4 seafood sticks
Black cherry low fat yoghurt
Cheez Dipper

The snacks were only added as I had so many calories left over and even after forcing myself to eat this extra I was still under by 400 calories because of the exercise that I had done!!!

Please could you give me some tips that wil help me get into the right routine


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It is eye opener. When you see how bad you were eating before and start eating healthy, you will be able to eat more. I never believed it before until I started here.
  • give it time...and keep it up...itll start showing soon...and you just started so dont be hard on yourself ...
  • tbrown1025
    tbrown1025 Posts: 165
    I would suggest eating a bigger breakfast. It's not usually recommended to eat the majority of your calories at the end of the day, so I'd try to bump more calories into the frist half of the day. You could try oats topped with fresh fruit and a side of scrambled eggs (1 whole, 2 whites) for breakfast - this will give you a nutrient dense, calorie filling breakfast that supplies a good ratio of fat,carbs, and protein. :)
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I didn't plug all of your food in to see what the protein/carb/fat ratio was, but it sounds like you are doing the right thing. You can eat a ton more healthy food than you can junk food. Giving up regular coke is a great thing. My brother and his wife go through 3 of the 2l bottles of regular coke every day, they are both about 400 lbs. simply because they are sedentary (addicted to WoW) and they drink way too many empty calories.

    A word of caution starting out on the exercise path... I know it's very tempting to try to do the most exercise you feel you can, but it's a marathon, not a sprint. Don't over-do it to start with or you can injure yourself or become disenchanted and give up. Moderation is the key to all things, food and exercise in particular. (like i'm some kind of expert; ha!)
  • Hi Clipperty,
    It's great that you have changed to a healthier diet and I'm sure the results will start to show.

    In order to give more accurate advice some more info would be useful eg:
    o The number of calories MFP tells you to eat each day
    o The number of Calories you are burning through exercise each day
    o Your age
    o Your Weight
    o Your sex
    o What you activity level is set at. (eg: Sedentry, light active, active, very active.) You can check by clicking (Settings at the very top -> Update diet fitness profile)

    One possible explanation is that you have set if for example at active because you exercise and walk the dog daily. However if you are adding these calories burned again you are in effect adding them twice.

    Edit: Apologies your profile says you are a 39 year old woman and sorry for the double post.
  • Double post sorry - the Mighty Ant
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    It's a struggle for most to stay under 1,200!
    You may want to pay a lot of close attention to the small things, like the gravy for example. Do you know all of the ingredients and the calorie count? Sometimes calories will be there that you don't even realize. Mustard is a good one. The brand that I eat is 5 cals a teaspoon, and I was eating it like crazy and not counting it...lol!
    Nuts are an excellent way to add in calories and fat into your diet. Cheese (IMO) is another great one. Meat, is great too (no I don't do low fat, I do reasonable fat...lol).
    Take time, look around for recipes and really think about what you like and would enjoy eating (besides junk), add in exercise and you can lose weight! Good luck :)
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    The breakfast looks awfully skimpy, just cornflakes and milk. Plus I think you'd burn it off, get a glucose crash, and get hungry again quickly. But if you really like that, how about adding some berries or a piece of fruit, perhaps a yogurt. That can give you an extra 100 calories, plus good vitamins and whatnot. Or change to oats, or an egg sandwich can come in around 300 if you use cheese, 400-500 if you add sausage or bacon. Do be mindful of sodium content, as that can add water weight.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think that looks absolutely fine, well balanced and regular enough to not go into any kind of starvation mode, which incidently isnt a scientific definite, its just a theory.

    I would stick with that sort of thing, but be safe in the knowledge that if you fancy an extra snack or two one day, youve got calories spare x
  • clipperty
    clipperty Posts: 9
    Thank you for all your replies. I hate breakfast I am 39 and never eaten it not even as a child. I have put that I am not active as I have office based job. I am 5 foot 2 tall and currently 163 lbs. it has given me a record of 1200 calories per day.

    With regard to the activities, the only thing I am doing differently is the gym session 3 times per week which has been given to me by a personal trainer as my capabilities for my age etc. i was walking the dogs like this before just I am upped the pace slightly, exactly the same route but it is taking me 15 minutes less time to do as walking it quicker.

    Thank you so much for listening you are all my inspiration I was just worried that I was not eating the full quota of calories. I am going to make something different for my tea tonight so that I can eat it earlier as I do have a tenancy of eating more on a night than through the day as I keep getting to the end of the day and finding I have not eaten enough calories.
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