Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss



  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    It's definitely possible to lose weight with thyroid issues. I've been diagnosed with graves disease (hyper thyroid) and gained something like 20 lb in a year after going on meds (I am not only slightly below maintenance dosage of PTU about 75 mg). Not to mention these bad habits caught up to me and I developed elevated cholesterol as well. No matter how much I exercised during that period I continued to gain weight.

    Before I knew I had a thyroid problem I was able to eat pretty much how much I wanted and not really gain much weight. So the biggest challenge for me was learning portion control. Like I said it took a year to stop feeling hungry!

    About a year after going on meds, my weight stabilized at 180 lb for about 4 months. That's when I decided to get back into shape. It's been a month a half and I'm down 15 pounds. You can do it too!
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    Hypo here also. This journey has not been easy but I am doing it! I was going through a bit of depression and I decide to stop taking all my meds including synthroid and I gained 16 pounds pretty fast. I just got back on my medication last Friday so I am hoping to see an improvement very soon. Good luck to you all!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Hey there...not only do I have hypothyroidism..but also insulin resistance and PCOS. Its not impossible..just a bit difficult. I am currently on armour thyroid and metformin. I also watch my carbs..to keep them below 120 a day...

    I would have you take measurements..cause sometimes...the scale lies..but the tape measure doesn't...
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I have hypothyroidsim too and have lost 50lbs over the past year - definitely slow but it is possible! I lost over 100lbs before I had my 3 kids and then gained it plus some over 3 pregnancies. Now need to lose what I gained. I agree with you if I do not exercise I have NO energy so that is my motivation for exercise.

    Anyone who relates please add me as a friend!
