My Sweet Tooth Problem.. HELP



  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    I have the worst time controlling my sweet tooth as well. I usually try to use them as a reward. For example last night I burned 100 more calories during my workout than normal so I decided i could have a SMALL cheat. I like the weight watch/smart ones desserts. The peanut butter cup sundae is awesome and is just enough to fulfill my sweet cravings and it has low calories and fat. Just don't over indulge and use it for the occasions when you just cant help but give in. Everything is ok in moderation and if you control portion size.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    You can have a sweet any day that you need to as long as you log it and count it. Try Deep Chocolate Vitatops--100 cals. Skinny Cow Ice Cream snacks--usually 140 cals.

    Second the vote for Vitatops! They're not cheap, but you don't have to eat one every day, save it for when you want a chewy, chocolatey treat! They are soooo good, and have a lot of fiber, so that little serving really fills you up.

    Weight Watcher's fudge bars and fruit dream bars are around 100 calories too, and pretty substantial.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    some of those sound yummy... hope i can find them here. (I'm in Jamaica... so not all things are available here)
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I to had an incredible sweet tooth, especially after a meal. I found the longer I satyed away from sweets, the less I grave them. It's been 7 weeks, and now I could pass on any sweet. Also, as somebody else stated, stay away from artificial sweetners. Not only do they increase craving for sweets, but also for food. You can't trick your body. Also, there is some research to indicate that artificial sweeteners actually impede the bodies (livers) ability to disharge fat and other toxins from your body. Thus slowing down the weight loss proccess. The one vice I can't shake is a nice diet fountain Coca Cola. I limit that to twice a week tops. Good luck with those cravings. Also you may try watermelon, canteloupe, and Navel oranges. Yum!
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    Skinny Cow brand makes candy bars now. And they are WONDERFUL!
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    i went to the supermarket yesterday and found these "Alpen light cereal bars".. i got the chocolate and fudge one... omgee...i'm loving it and its only 63 calories. They're from England.

    it has helped curb the sweet tooth craving i had yesterday :)

    Still on the lookout for the ones ya'll suggested too