Is this the wrong way to go about it?



  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Ya'll are all an inspiration and I hope you all succeed in your weight loss goals!! with all the weight loss I see on this website there are some strong willed people and its a bittersweet thing to see that most struggle the same struggles I do.
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Ya'll are all an inspiration and I hope you all succeed in your weight loss goals!! with all the weight loss I see on this website there are some strong willed people and its a bittersweet thing to see that most struggle the same struggles I do.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Melinda I love your signature. I will have to tell my husband that because when we go walking he tells me I walk to slow to even make a difference. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    When I first started exercising, 2.6 mph was the fastest I could go! Now it's been only two months, and I can walk at 3.6-3.7mph. Stick to it and you will see improvements. :smile:
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    The only wrong way would be stopping! Trugg ahead & we can kick each others butts to keep us goin! Take pics, thats a great idea! that way u can see & we will have some before picks to show all our mfp friends to help motivate others like they have motivated us!! Our bellies r the biggest part of our bodies, so they will b the last to leave us! Just keep at it! Keep in mind these yrs of putting on weight wont leave us n a few months, we have to remind ourselve it will probably b a 1/2 a year to a year when we will b happy w the results! Love Ya! We got this! u did great yesterday! Tonight i went over by 500something, but i did pretty good to have gone to the favorite mexican resturant! LITTLE BABY STEPS R STILL STEPS!