Hi Fitness Pals!

I'm just getting started with this group and really hoping I can stay motivated - this time. Like most, "I've tried everything". I have a few medical issues that have been obstacles, but I'm ready to take control!


  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    Hi and welcome to the site! I'm fairly new as well (been on a week now). So far this site has been a great tool for me and it will probably be for you as well :)
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Welcome. Today is my second day here and I am very excited about getting started. I want to lose 70 lbs and I want to do it right this time. This is going to be a lifestyle change for me. Please feel free to send me a friend request. It will be cool to see how we progress together since we are starting at the same time.