At Home Excercise programs?

evonday Posts: 141 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm looking for some calorie burning, muscle building at home work out programs. Not one's that claim to work and don't, I want something that will get results.

Any suggestions?


  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Chalean Extreme is a good cardio that incorporates strength training as well.
  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    I am addicted to my zumba cardo dvds. Best investment I ever made.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Honestly, every exercise program will work it's just a matter of finding one that you enjoy to do every day. For some, that's jillian michaels dvds, 30 day shred seems to be real popular. For others, it's p90x. For me, it's Insanity. You can google all these and more and find video clips of the exercises they do and see if any of them seem like something you wouldn't mind doing on a daily basis. I like Insanity for the variety, 13 dvds and you do something different every day, and I love Shawn T, he's hilarious and really does motivate me to keep working hard at it. It's also a really big physical challenge, especially for someone like me who's severely overweight and doing them gives me a good sense of accomplishment.
  • Deahder03
    Deahder03 Posts: 3
    Jillian Michaels! They have The 30 Day Shred (shorter intense circuit training), Blast Fat, Boost Metabolism (40 min aerobic workout) and my favorite Trouble Zones (weight training incorporated into circuit training). All of these are at Walmart for around $10 and I swear to you that they work and you will see the results in your body!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    A couple of questions: How much do you plan on working out? What fitness level would you describe yourself as? If you're just starting a consistent exercise program, I would recommend the Biggest Loser Cardio Max, it's got weights and cardio, and you can break it into sections. Also, Jillian Michaels' "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism" is great, but it has some (really not very many) plyometric moves in it, so if you're not comfortable with that, you should choose something else. JM's "No More Trouble Zones" is also fabulous. That's more weights than cardio, but it is an effective calorie burner using more repetitions and lighter weights.

    If you're more into a program, and can commit to a significant amount of exercise, then P90X is a good one. I finished it a month ago and am now in my fourth week of Insanity. I feel it is beneficial for anyone at any fitness level, because you can adjust the intensity up or down.

    I would also recommend that you visit collage video ( They have clips of all the different DVDs they sell available for viewing so you get a glimpse of what you're in for. Plus, they have a wonderful return policy and honest purchasers' reviews.
  • ashleyinthestars
    ashleyinthestars Posts: 107 Member
    I have lost every single pound at home (can't afford a gym membership). I have started (and never completed) Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred several times (the first time was at my largest - LOL, no idea what I was thinking...)...I am embarking on the brave to journey to FINISH it this time and today will be day #2 (already feeling it from yesterday).

    I give about 50 lbs of credit solely to Leslie Sansone walking workouts. I found her on Exercise TV On Demand (if you have OnDemand, check it out - there's A LOT of workouts in there) and she has DVDs in Walmart, as well. I also have a XBOX 360 Kinect with the Zumba game (LOVE!) and the Biggest Loser game.

    I also love and ride my bike alot, at least 4 miles at a time, a couple times a week (however, not so much recently with the summer heat here in FL). On the weekends, my husband and I have been known to go ride 10 miles. I have also very recently started jogging a bit (on residential streets, as I have no treadmill). If I had a swimming pool at my disposal, I'd be in it EVERY day - I LOVE swimming.

    I haven't had the chance to try P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, etc, but I've heard good things about all - though the P90X commercials look scary LOL
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    A couple of questions: How much do you plan on working out? What fitness level would you describe yourself as?
    Well, I would like to work out for around 2-4 days a week, and I'm not sure on fitness level.

    While I had a gym membership, I'd usually pair ~25-40 mins of cardio with about ~25-35 minutes of strength training. I was usually there for an hour minimum, sometimes 2 if I went swimming after. I would go about 2-5 times a week. My goal was 3 minimum. I hope that can give you an idea. I'm not in fantastic shape, but I am strong.
  • amber_bamber
    amber_bamber Posts: 86 Member
    I love turbofire! My sister and I both do it, I'm a bigger girl and have to modify when they do jumps, but that's ok. I plan to go work my way up to being able to jump with them :)
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I second the Zumba DVDs and I will also say to add KettleWorx or any Kettlebell routine. Very effective at home strength training that takes up very little room in your house.

    Hope you find something you like!
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