30 days in....It's Working! Slowly, but Working!

d4nier Posts: 9 Member
Just took my measurements and finally! Success!! I'm seeing a difference there. I've lost 2.5 inches (we will ignore the fact that an inch of that is boobs) and that soothes the fact that I'm barely moving the scales after 30 days. As far as actual weight loss I'm holding on to the illusion that 4 days in Las Vegas hampered how many actual lbs I've lost so far. Tomorrow is my actual chosen weigh in day so fingers crossed! I'm pretty sure I'll eventually start moving the scales but my main goal is health not modeling. I've lost 2lbs so far even after the ill advised buffet hopping in Las Vegas so now got that out of the way for the summer and I can only hope I'll still be smiling by August.