The SnackMonster

BohemianDestiny Posts: 47 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Got a question.

My biggest evil is snacking. I can do great with calories on all my meals, but in a manner of hours I have snacked more than I realized and suddenly I'm over on my calories! Its so frustrating.

Does anyone have recommendations of low-calorie snacks that satisfy the SnackMonster?

I do have those little 100 calorie packs and stuff, and those help, but I'd like something a little healthier too.


  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I eat plain, unbuttered air popped popcorn, baby and full sized carrots, cucumber, berries, apples, and plain high fiber cereal for snacks.

    Berries and cereal you have to watch, but for carrots and cucumber you will be full before you do too much dammage even if you eat them mindlessly.
  • NA_Willie
    NA_Willie Posts: 340 Member
    I do have those little 100 calorie packs and stuff, and those help, but I'd like something a little healthier too.
    I agree. A box of those 100 calorie packs can take the edge off. LOL

    Im sorry I am no help to you. I have basically completely curbed snacking because I realized I cant just have a little snack. If I really need something I will eat a bowl of cereal or a cup of yogurt.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    Fresh, raw sugar snap peas are a great snack. They are crunchy and a little sweet. Very Very low calories. Keeps your mouth busy and gives you the crunch. Another thing i snack on are wasabi peas. It's like 130 calories for a serving but because they are hot you kind of have to eat them slow. I figure it boosts my metabolism too.
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    Nuts are also good. When it comes to snacking it is ususaaly portion control that really matters. Another good snack is frozen grapes, these are especially good when you want something sweet. You can also do yogurt. I do use the already flavored yogurt even though they say to do plain yogurt and sweeten it yourself with honey, fruit or granola. Some kind of natural sweetener. Another is protein bars. On those just watch the sugar and fat. Leila Ali recommends think thin brand (I personnaly wasn't real fond of this brand but I have had some that are good).
  • AAJoseph
    AAJoseph Posts: 53 Member
    I keep two pieces of fruit in my lunch bag.
    Mini-clif bars (or a half of a regular one),
    when I am home, protein powder+coffee+ice = 1 Net carb frappucino w/ ~30 gProtein.
    Kashi snack bars
    1 oz cheese (like mini babybels) and a half piece of fruit.
    Oatmeal (1/2 cup serving)
    A small (microwaved) sweet/white potatoe
    Self popped popcorn
    Pre-packaged treats (no more than 200 cal). I really treat these as treats.
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    I keep two pieces of fruit in my lunch bag.
    Mini-clif bars (or a half of a regular one),
    when I am home, protein powder+coffee+ice = 1 Net carb frappucino w/ ~30 gProtein.
    Kashi snack bars
    1 oz cheese (like mini babybels) and a half piece of fruit.
    Oatmeal (1/2 cup serving)
    A small (microwaved) sweet/white potatoe
    Self popped popcorn
    Pre-packaged treats (no more than 200 cal). I really treat these as treats.

    Babybel cheese YUM.

    I keep almonds at my desk and snack on multigrain pita chips and hummus at home. The chips are super high in fiber so they fill you up quickly, and the hummus is mainly garbanzo beans so you'll get protein :)

    I too snack on things like Clif bars, though the sugar is high so I try to watch it.

    Babybel or Laughing cow cheese with a few pita chips or multigrain crackers are godsends.

    Also, remember to eat slowly, this is my biggest issue. Chew every bite fully and swallow before taking another! Sip water in between bites. Hope this helps!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Baby carrots and sugar snap peas. Or any vegetable, really. I drive my boys crazy when I grab a bowl of fresh lettuce - but it's like 10 calories for 2 cups or something.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I get a whole wheat tortilla and fill it with veggies, guacamole and salsa. I'll also eat nonfat cottage cheese, 60 cal chocolate pudding snacks, rice cakes, power bars, berries (obsessed with blue berries, raspberries) etc.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    If I'm having a 'panic snack attack', I usually can't decide between something sweet or something salty/crunchy and I'm in danger of cleaning out the entire kitchen. So...I have a 100 cal Orville Redenbacher's popcorn, add a little sea salt and have a low-cal hot chocolate. About 135 calories. Usually fixes me right up. I stay out of the kitchen after that...just in case.

    As for 'healthy' snacking? Check out HungryGirl.

  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Good snack ideas:

    Baby carrots (already mentioned)
    Snap peas (already mentioned)
    Bell pepper slices
    Raw broccoli (okay, it doesn't taste good, but it will fill you up, and keep you eating!)
    Chew some sugar free gum
    Raisins with no sugar
    Lots of water

    But the biggest thing for me is to train myself that I don't need to eat other than at my scheduled meal times. I have three meals and two snacks a day. Other than that I can drink water. It works fine for me, as long as I keep busy and don't sit there thinking about food.
  • BohemianDestiny
    BohemianDestiny Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you guys for all the helpful suggestions!
    Also, I did check out Hungry Girl and it looks really neat. I bookmarked the website.
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