All my weight loss due to water?

I began my fitness regime just two weeks ago and lost:

Week 1 - 2.6 kgs (about 2.7%)

Week 2 - 2.2 kgs (about 2.3%)

My local local 'font of negativity' was very generous to point out that I'd only lost water and that I'd replace that pretty quickly.

I realise that excess water is a component of early weight loss but is he right to be so emphatic about it? He says I "can't possibly lose" my 1.2 kgs objective in the third week. "It's unheard of in the third week" he says.


  • krizstyling
    krizstyling Posts: 40 Member
    You probably did lose a LOT of water weight. That is normal and usually happens when you begin a new work out/eating regimen. I lost 7 pounds my first week and also had someone point it out to me lol, those negative people! Then I went online and did a lot of research.

    While I haven't lost 7lbs in a week since that very first week, it is very possible to continue pulling in good numbers. Just keep doing what you're doing and seriously, ditch the friend! Or at least ditch talking to him about anything concerning your weight loss. Him saying you'd gain it back is kind of ridiculous!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I know that water retention can make the scale move pounds but as long as you know you are eating right and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day then it should be fine :smile:
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Thanks. Actually, it's a colleague and until I'm the boss, I'm stuck with him. :(
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Thanks. I'm determined to prove him wrong ... even if it's only for the third week. :))
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    I know that water retention can make the scale move pounds but as long as you know you are eating right and drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day then it should be fine :smile:

    Thanks. I'm determined to prove him wrong ... even if it's only for the third week. :))
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Him saying you'd gain it back is kind of ridiculous!

    Thanks. Actually, it's a colleague and until I'm the boss, I'm stuck with him. :(
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The more you lose the slower it will come off but there's nothing wrong with the weight you're shedding these first few weeks,even if most of it is excess water. Congrats to you for deciding to prove him wrong. If I were you, I wouldn't say another word about it. The fact that the pounds are coming off is going to be obvious in itself. Good luck!
  • terence
    terence Posts: 119
    Congrats to you for deciding to prove him wrong. If I were you, I wouldn't say another word about it. The fact that the pounds are coming off is going to be obvious in itself. Good luck!

    Thanks, but I can't resist a challenge. ;)
    The numbers are big and bold on a whiteboard, so he'll know the result.
    Can't weight ... I mean, wait!
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    Tell him it's better than gaining weight isn't it? What does he propose you do? NOTtake good care of yourself!!