In hindsight an NSV , at the time terrifying!

A little background first,
I get whats called Jacksonian seizures. They are non-convulsive, but the symptoms mimic a stroke. Loss of vision, weakness on my left side, and then complete numbness on that same left side. I haven't had a full one in years (12) but occasionally have an "aura" that warns me to rest awhile.
This last Monday I had the worst I've ever had. I was driving my daughter home from a friends house and felt the little tingle that warns me and immediately pulled over. Called my husband. Usually these last 10 to 15 min. This went on for hours! He got me home and as comfortable as he could. I couldn't see or think straight. weakness and numbness sets in and I went into a kind of shock. All the blood rushed from my extremities to my core and I was shivering hard. I couldn't get warm. Hubby is an EMT so he was calm and great. He got me to relax a little and threw me into a hot bath. The blood started flowing again and I warmed up. Slept off the migraine that always follows and napped most the next day.
My point to all this, : ) Four months ago I had my med levels checked and they were borderline low, but since I hadn't had any break through seizures Doc didn't up them. I've lost almost 30 lbs. My muscles are now larger and my fat way less. My metabolism is so much faster. We'll be doing monthly levels through the rest of this weight loss journey to make sure this doesn't happen again.

If you are taking regular meds please have the levels checked regularly as you lose fat and your metabolism speeds up. It's great afterwards knowing the cause behind the seizure, but something I should have prevented. Best of luck to you all and stay healthy!


  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    OMG, how scary - you and your husband are both super level-headed! And this is a great point about making sure meds are checked. Good lesson, but I'm sorry you had to go through that!
  • lmoldes
    lmoldes Posts: 33 Member
    very scary, I'm glad you're doing better.
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    Sounds frightening. Thankfully you and hubby kept a calm clear head. Good insightful warning about having med levels checked as you lose. Best of luck to you and continued success!
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    Thankfully you get a real "aura" and were able to pull over without injury to either you or your daughter.
    Congratulations on your loss and moving forward.
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    Thank you everyone. Feeling great now and back on track. Upped the meds and have another level check Tuesday. No driving for me until levels are good!