30DS Starting on Friday June 10th!



  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    Freakinglovepink - Awesome. I think I have too much flab to notice much tightness right now. But I know I worked hard. And I know I'll see results. I'm looking to lose inches (pounds too but inches are what matters most anyways) and I really think 30DS is going to help jump start that. I love that Jillian talks about when it gets hard that's when you need to push through and feel the fear leaving your body. I watch Biggest Loser and so when it gets tough I actually think about Jillian or Bob yelling at someone who is stopping saying it's too hard and they are telling them to keep going and they won't die lol Helps me keep going.

    Emmavisman - Good to hear it's getting easier every time. I am pretty overweight and out of shape. I think it might take me a little more than 3 days to feel a lot of improvement but I too actually made it through the whole thing which I felt was an accomplishment. It was a challenge but I did the best I could and I feel good about that! L2 does look much harder. But just think, when you're done with L1 you'll be up for a challenge!
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    I technically started day 1 today, but I am going to consider it day 2. I have started this so many times, but have never finished it. I WILL this time. My son asked me if I was ever going to get to level 2. I don't exercise on Sundays, but I am really looking forward to Monday.

    SW 190.8
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    Oops! My starting weight is 189.8
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Hello again everyone! How's everyone doing so far?! I just completed Level One Day Three and my very first day of the C25K plan! I am so proud of myself. I officially weighed in and took all my measurements yesterday so I am ready to see the changes that can happen every 10 days!

    So how is everyone feeling? What are your favorite and least favorite parts of Level One?
    My favorite part is when we do chest-flys....it's like getting a breather!
    My least favorite part is definitely when we do the lunges! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME! I am so sore!

    Keep up the awesome work everyone!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I also started on Friday!! Today is day 3 and I have a serious question... My bra size is a very snug D but not quite DD. I have yet to find a sports bra that has the strength to allow me to do jumping jacks! anybody have suggestions??
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    I also started on Friday!! Today is day 3 and I have a serious question... My bra size is a very snug D but not quite DD. I have yet to find a sports bra that has the strength to allow me to do jumping jacks! anybody have suggestions??

    I can't say from experience because I am not well endowed in that area. But a co-worker of mine who has a rather large bra size finally splurged about 6 months ago and bought a biggest loser bra. She said it's like a corset so not really friendly for all day but she said it's the best thing she ever did for working out. She is going to get at least one more. She said it's the sports bra that has worked the best.

    It looks like this http://www.tworoadsfitness.com/enellsportsbra.html though I can't say if she got it there.
  • Freakinglovepink
    Hi guys, I hope everyone is sticking with it! Today was day 4 of level 1 for me. I'm so happy I've made it this long - almost a week! It's still pretty tough for me but man you just can't beat a 20 minute workout :) By the time I feel like quitting I'm almost done so I can tell myself to just stick it out a few more minutes.
    So how is everyone feeling? What are your favorite and least favorite parts of Level One?
    My favorite part is when we do chest-flys....it's like getting a breather!
    My least favorite part is definitely when we do the lunges! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME! I am so sore!

    I'm feeling great! There's a tiny voice telling me I should be seeing a difference already and that I'm not working hard enough but I'm not going to give in to it. I will see results as long as I have the willpower to keep going! Let's see... I have to agree with you on my favorite part. Chest flys are so nice after the squats and side lunges! Those are my least favorites for sure ;)

    Stay strong everyone!
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    Hi guys, I hope everyone is sticking with it! Today was day 4 of level 1 for me. I'm so happy I've made it this long - almost a week! It's still pretty tough for me but man you just can't beat a 20 minute workout :) By the time I feel like quitting I'm almost done so I can tell myself to just stick it out a few more minutes.
    So how is everyone feeling? What are your favorite and least favorite parts of Level One?
    My favorite part is when we do chest-flys....it's like getting a breather!
    My least favorite part is definitely when we do the lunges! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME! I am so sore!

    I'm feeling great! There's a tiny voice telling me I should be seeing a difference already and that I'm not working hard enough but I'm not going to give in to it. I will see results as long as I have the willpower to keep going! Let's see... I have to agree with you on my favorite part. Chest flys are so nice after the squats and side lunges! Those are my least favorites for sure ;)

    Stay strong everyone!

    I did day 4 today too. Looking forward to tomorrow, Day 5. I have a feeling it'll be even better than today. Day 3 was my hardest for some reason. I am already noticing some improvements in strength but just have felt so low energy the past two days so hoping tomorrow I'll be back to myself. Keep going! We're in this together!
  • Freakinglovepink
    Is anyone still here or are you all out shredding?? I started Level 2 today and holy cow what a difference! Jillian was definitely right though, my strength and endurance improved a lot during Level 1. Didn't make it any easier today though lol Plank, plank and more plank!

    How's everyone doing?