Green beans

ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
I want to grill some green beans. Do I need to par-boil them first or can I just put clean, seasoned green beans on the grill?


  • alexmommy
    alexmommy Posts: 76 Member
    I just wrap mine in foil, with a little unsalted butter and toss them on the grill. :)
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I would put them in a grill basket if you have one...That would be the best way.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i spray with a lil sunflower oil, black pepper, and grill shaking a lot through cooking, yummy
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member

    Read more about it at,1750,154188-247193,00.html
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    2 c. fresh green beans
    1/3 c. butter
    1 1/2 tbsp. chopped green onions
    1 1/2 tbsp. chopped celery (fine)
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1/2 tsp. rosemary
    1/3 tsp. basil
    1/3 tsp. garlic powder

    Place beans on double square of foil. Add remaining ingredients and mix. Bring 2 long ends of foil up over beans. Fold together twice, until foil rests on beans. Fold ends down twice. Place on grill, seam side up over medium heat, about 30 minutes, or until beans are done. About 4 or 5 servings.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I want to grill some green beans. Do I need to par-boil them first or can I just put clean, seasoned green beans on the grill?

    No need to par-boil
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    i do mine the same as i do my asparagus... light extra v olive oil, ms. dash seasonings and a little garlic then put them in on top of foil (without covering) and cook till crispy perfection :)
  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    You can put plain green beans directly on the grill (Except they may fall through) in a grill pan, or in foil. You don't have to add any butter if you just add a tablespoon or two of water. Butter and/or olive oil taste great but add additional calories. Enjoy!
  • Lina300
    Lina300 Posts: 23 Member
    I have never done this. Sounds yummy. Definately have to try some time.