Helloooooo MFP!

Hi all! My name is Alyssa. I am 5 feet 8 inches tall, 24 years old, and I am fat. Well, my husband begs to differ, but I know it's true. I hate the feeling of my thighs rubbing together, I hate the double chins, I hate the "bingo wings", I hate the muffin top, and most of all...I hate the feeling of looking in the mirror and hating what I see.

That time is over!! My husband and I decided at the beginning of this year, we're going to eat healthier, exercise more, and try to lose weight. He really doesn't have much to lose, but I have gained over 40 lbs since we started dating. Ew!! So, I started my weight loss journey at 220 lbs (classified as stage 1 obese?!). I'm now at 205, and I'm hoping to get down to 160 by November/December. I kind of slacked off during the first few months, but now I am determined. I will not let myself make excuses, and I will not let myself go back to what I was! Even 15 lbs makes a difference, and I am energized!

I love eating healthy foods now, and exercise really keeps me in a great mood. I have made it my personal mission to go to the gym every day (except Sundays) for the next two weeks to do cardio, and then I am going to be starting P90X Lean with my friend Molly. I know it will be difficult, but it will be SOOOOO worth it!!

Thanks for the support and encouragement, MFP! :D


  • duke520
    duke520 Posts: 30
    Good job! Welcome to the club! Do work!
  • mikalag
    mikalag Posts: 3
    Welcome aboard! I am new to MFP too and I love it. At least you have a little height on me --I'm 4' 10" (how's that for vertically challenged? This place is great. The more you learn to use it the more addicted you get. Congrats on your new start ...
  • gcumpson
    gcumpson Posts: 39
    Sometimes its harder when the one you love the most sees you as their perfect :) I know how you feel my husband is the same way I love him for it but sometimes I wish he'd kick me in the but and say come on babe lol ! Good luck and If you want a new friend to travel along with feel free to add me!
  • david83ec
    david83ec Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome!! MFP really works! you will see