Overeating at night

Hi! I'm new to MFP and I'm really liking it so far.

My problem is that I eat (mostly) healthy during the day (minus a a little too much sugar sometimes, it's my weakness :) and feel good about how I did for the day, and then when I'm up late at night with friends, or watching tv or whatever, I crave sugar like crazy and end up overeating. Then I feel like I ruined all of the good that I did for that day and I get really upset and mad at myself, which makes me eat even more sugar and junk.
How can I break this cycle? Does anyone else have this problem?

I'd appreciate any input :)


  • sezp
    sezp Posts: 69
    I am also of the same habit. I've tried to conquer it by doing a lot of exercise after work so that I'm eating my dinner later and I'm too full and too tired to snack as I used to do. I find that if I do want some chocolate or something sweet, I just have a smaller portion but make sure I'm within my calorie limits. I am much less inclined to have it if I haven't worked out.
  • lemonlime1
    lemonlime1 Posts: 48 Member
    I have the same problem - during the day its not a problem, its just later on that the cravings start! :ohwell:

    Any ideas welcomed
  • runawaydoll19
    runawaydoll19 Posts: 48 Member
    I do that alllllll the time. I just learned I have to go to sleep earlier or I'm going to over eat.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Yep, I've been there. The crappy thing about it is that your body knows to tell you when it wants something. Worse is that you're giving yourself sugar at night... won't that keep you awake? What I do is keep a secret stash of Hershey's chocolate nuggets with Almonds in my fridge drawer (so I don't see it all the time), and when I'm craving, I eat one. Why the fridge? Because it makes the chocolate last longer in my mouth because it doesn't melt as quickly.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    Drink water!!!!! If your eating enough calories during the day you shouldn't crave too bad! If your craving sugar eat fruit! Salty? Try pretzels or popcorn! Crunchy? try whole wheat tortilla chips with salsa!
  • elyseology
    elyseology Posts: 44 Member
    I have that problem too. I've started to chew gum. The Extra Dessert Delights gum is pretty good and usually cures the cravings.
  • tiffnday
    tiffnday Posts: 27 Member
    I am the same way, but when I over eat at night my family makes fun of me. I just learn to think it through and see if it's worth it.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I crave sugar every night! I bought dryers frozen yogurt and a serving of that is 120 cal for 1/2 cup (off the top of my head). I always make sure I keep that 120 cal reserved for the sugar! It's just enough to fill the gap and be satisfying!
  • Dragon101
    Dragon101 Posts: 18
    My biggest problem with eating has always been snacking. I don't over eat sweets...salty is my weakness. I love chips and chex mix and all those nice salty snacks that are not good for you! I started drinking Shakeology. It's a meal supplement that helps get rid of the cravings you have. It doesn't supress your appetite but it does help with the junk food cravings. I know it sounds crazy but I've been drinking it and it really works. If you would like, I can send you the link to who I get it from.

    Good Luck!
  • hitithardkc
    I work out at night and drink lots and lots of water. By the time you eat dinner, you won't have time to snack. :-)
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    When I want to snack late at night, my rule is that is ok, but there are two conditions....
    1. Half portion only, and
    2. I have to workout vigorously for 15 minutes first.... elliptical, jumping jacks, jumping rope, treadmill, whatever, but no slacking. You have to really push it. I'm usually too tired or too motivated to ruin it by eating anything. Once your body gets used to not eating late, it will be easy. You just have to retrain your body and your brain.

    Soaking in a hot bubble bath for 30 minutes usually helps too. Your so sleepy you just don't want to do anything!

    Good luck!
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Sounds like those may be nibble triggers.... staying up late, hanging with friends or watching TV. I'm the same way in if I sit in front of the TV I want to eat so I just don't watch it or I keep a huge glass of water beside of me instead of snacks. Also, I've heard of something called the 11 o'clock push which you want to eat for energy because you shouldn't be up so late (if it's true I dunno, lol). And if your with friends keep a veggie/fruit/cheese/nut snacks on hand to offer instead of the other goodies. Good luck though :)
  • angijunbug
    angijunbug Posts: 205
    oh, man! Me too! Not so much with the craving of sugar but just wanting to sit down & snack! Most days I am good but when I am not I feel so so guilty! I try to drink water or green tea at night & I also try to just go to sleep or exercise first...again sometimes it works & sometimes it doesn't. It's such a battle!!!
  • skinnyb450
    skinnyb450 Posts: 288
    Distraction works for me - I try not to sit down after the evening meal......I either hit the gym, go on the computer, have a bubble bath, paint my nails, anything but sit and watch TV......that seems to be the time I feel like snacking ....change the habit ....I find the TV ads are mainly food related and it makes you think of snacks (constantly) Have a water bottle close by or chew sugar free gum also works for me......Good luck in your late night snacking choices :):smile:
  • CristlNothem
    CristlNothem Posts: 54 Member
    I get sugar cravings in the evening also. Try the Chocolate Parfet Nips. They are only 30 calories each and they take longer to eat because it is a hard caramel with chocolate in the middle. If i am really craving after 1 i will eat another, and that is still onl 60 calories total...Not too bad at all!!!
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I love sweets at night. Some nights I'm better at curbing my cravings than others. I've gone with the rainbow trail mix packets (130 calories each). They include a few m&ms in there and I get my salty/sweet all in one.

    Sometimes the problem is, however, that I can eat 3 packets. Which, calorically speaking.....not so good.
  • tiggersstar
    tiggersstar Posts: 193 Member
    same! lol . since getting down to a reasonable size i can go a few good days and then i blow it all one night and seem to yo-yo up and down by up to half a stone. it takes real determination not to over eat when you spend so much time dieting! i just try and balance it out by being good the next day :smile:
  • suediet55
    suediet55 Posts: 27 Member
    Night time is also my worst time - as soon as kids in bed - I like to eat - so Ive started saving a couple of hundred calories for treats

    kitkat (2 fingers) 107 cals - Quavers 88 kals - Sugar free jelly (these are great makes up 4 pots only 9 Kcals) Muller Light Cherry N Chocolate 86 Kcals

    I also have a weakness for drink at weekend - so I have Brandy with Diet Coke (60 Kcals)
    Ive found that upto now so long as I count it in my cal allowance I'm losing a pound a week (even when Ive gone slightly over couple times)

    Drinking Diet Coke sometimes helps too - tastes like your having something sweet without the cals
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    Wow. As I was reading this post I thought I could've been the one posting this. I have the same problem. The last month or so I've been eating almonds as a snack and drinking water. If I'm still craving something after about 15 minutes, then I'll do a few exercises. Then if that still hasn't stopped the craving I'll have a piece of chocolate or something sweet. A small something. So far the almonds and the water has been enough. Well, one or two nights I had to have my chocolate.

    I've been "dieting" for the last 20 years. This year I decided that I was going to stop dieting and start eating what I want. Just a smaller portion of it. I'm not going to deny myself carbs or chocolate or whatever. I've actually found that this has been helping me. It's probably all in my head, but the scale has moved down since I've decided to eat what I want. I've started watching my portion sizes, too. Just a couple of days ago, my step-daughter told me about this site and I think it's pretty good so far.

    It is really hard to be out with friends late at night and have snacks sitting in front of you calling your name. I try to pass them down to the other end of the table out of my reach or try to ignore them.

    Just remember each day is a new day and we can start fresh. Maybe adding another set of reps to your strength training or another 10-15 minutes to your cardio will help. Good luck to you and know you're not alone.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I have this problem. And I've linked it strictly to just being up to late.

    I am a night person. I'm more awake at night, I seem to function better at night (get my work done, clean the house etc)....but pretty much if I'm up past 9pm I end up binge eating.

    And I use the word binge, because its not like "oops I'm over 100 calories because I had a small bag of popcorn" ... its "Wow I just ate that whole bag of chips...totally f*cked my day....now I want candy *opens snickers bar*....what else is there *fries up 4 sausages just for me*"....End total...like 1000 + over.

    So I started going to bed, even if I'm not tired. Even if I'd rather be out doing something else. I take some Benadryl, or Tylenol PM to help me drift off to sleep, and go lay in the dark in the bedroom until I'm a sleep. Maybe watch netflix on my computer...in the bedroom, far far away form the kitchen until I fall asleep. But I almost always have to take something to help (force) me go to sleep.

    Been doing that for a while now, and its helped. Even when I was up till 1 am 2 nights ago, I chewed gum most the night and didn't go over calories. But I know I couldn't do that every night.