Tummy Troubles



  • Tarah1357
    Tarah1357 Posts: 139 Member
    I've been having a similar problem actually. Lately, after I eat I get a weird pain/discomfort just under my rib cage on the right hand side. It kind of spreads to the side of my stomach also. I had this problem last summer where my stomach would distend severely every single time I ate and would cause me pain and mild discomfort. I went for an ultrasound to rule out any gall bladder/pancreas/intestinal problems and everything came back normal. They said it could have been gastritis which is just inflammation/swelling of the stomach lining. They gave me a prescription for Nexium and within a week I was already feeling better. I'd definitely go and check it out. I have a feeling that's what I'm going through again. Perhaps I should take my own advice and get checked out as well! lol Good luck with everything! Hope you make out ok!
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi there-

    I have had the same issue for months now. I went to the doctor who gave me a full blood work, including test for celiacs. He said I possibly have IBS. He put me on bloating medication, very low dose that I take every evening at bedtime. This does seem to help somewhat. I changed all my dairy products to nondairy, but when I switched to soy, I gained weight, I guess it has an estrogenic effect, which cases weight gain. So I finally switched to the silk product called (I think) purecococnut. Which doesnt taste a thing like coconut, actually taste like normal milk. I have picked up some ezekial bread (gluten free). Although my test results did not clearly state I have celiacs I thought I could try to at least cut out bread from my diet with gluten and if that makes me feel better, cut the rest of the gluten out. I still bloat when its that time of the month, but not nearly as much on regular days now. Might be helpful to see the doctor.

    I was also worried about Ovarian cancer since it runs in my family. I was checked thoroughly for that, and I'm cancer free!!!
    Good luck and keep us posted. Feel better soon!
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I have to agree to go see your dr. There are so many things that can cause Tummy issues.

    For years I have had similar issues (I remember issues when I was a young child & I'm 43 now). My mom always thought it was milk, but sometimes I would have issues without milk in my diet. I tried many different things, meds, elimination diet, dairy free, gluten free, etc.. and had given up and figured this is just how I am.

    This winter my dr had me do a blood test for food sensitivities and I came back positive for gluten, dairy, garlic, sesame, safflower, yogurt, yeast, and peanuts. I have eliminated them and feel so much better. There is hope, but the first step is to see your dr. Don't try to self diagnosis. There are just too many factors
  • kkidd621
    kkidd621 Posts: 6
    Just an FYI since I am currently dealing with the dairy thing with my 4&1/2 month old, if you have a lactose issue you can also have a soy issue and lactose free can contain small amounts of milk or soy, best thing I can say is read, read, read labels!!! Try to shy away whenever possible and talk to your dr about allergy testing!!! :) Good Luck!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    I feel like I am in a pretty similar boat to you. I have also been having stomach issues and couldn't figure out why. I get pain in my stomach region but sometimes it's lower than that, like Menstrual cramps but due to the birth control I don't really get a period. I get the same kind of bloating you mentioned and just general pain in that are which is not only discouraging when you are trying to lose weight (kind of makes you feel like your failing) but distracting when I'm trying to focus on my job.

    Been to the doctor twice. He's now testing my kidney's and testing me for Celiacs. Already had my thyroid tested and abdominal xrays and ultrasounds. Everything came back fine. Hoping to figure out some answers soon.
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