I've started a low carb diet



  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    Good for you!! 14lbs is awesome! Keep it up - it's working!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    To the OP~ Good for you! I'm so happy you've found something that works and that you can stick with! I look forward to reading more of your progress as time goes on!

    To everyone else~ Really, this thread is starting to feel a little grade school.... everyone picking on everyone else and insisting their opinion is the right one (no offense to those of you who are just stating good job and being supportive... that's what this site is SUPPOSED to be about). Different people need different things to function correctly and there are more ways to lose AND maintain weight than I could probably count. I've known many people who have lost AND MAINTAINED a low carb diet and I applaud them for that. However, when I tried it I got many of the side effects that people complain of from EATING carbs (cranky, mood swings, cravings, lack of energy, etc...). I bumped my carbs and protein and dropped the fats down and count my calories and I've been losing weight great and have more energy than I've had in years... I'm loving the plan I'm on, but I will NOT shove it down somebody else's throat just because it worked for me because I understand that it might not work for everyone else. As for which is healthier, again, I'm quite sure it all depends on the person. We are all unique, our bodies are all unique and as long as we are doing what is right for our own individual self, nobody else should matter. If you want to read the forums, that's great, but please try to be kind and think of other people's feelings... even if you don't AGREE with them, there is ALWAYS a nice way to voice your opinion and getting snarky about it is NEVER the only possible response.
  • murphysraven
    While I don't count carbs, I have started changing what kind of carbs I am eating. Moving away from the processed white flour carbs and onto the whole grain more healthy versions. I've found that cutting most of the carbs that process quickly in my body (having an insulin resistance) are usually the ones that have a lot of calories too.

    Best of luck on your journey! :)