
katemarjoram Posts: 203
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have lately been suffering reflux as a result of some medication I'm on. Mylanta and other antacids have not helped and my doctor wasn't able to offer much either. I am in the process of trying to identify triggers and I'm beginning to suspect chilli might be a culprit. In the mean time can anyone suggest any natural approaches to help deal with the burning sensation?????? My diary is open if anyone has the time to look at it.


  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    1) Stop tomatoes, oranges or any other acidic foods for a while (peppers might still be ok)
    2) prop yourself up when you sleep - or sleep in a recliner until done with the meds.
    3) Some times soda c rackers help.
  • Chili can definitely be the culprit along with anything else that is acidic. Try to avoid foods with a lot of spice or acids for a couple of days and see how you feel.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Prilosec OTC
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I no a lot of people say it make reflux worse, but I found drinking milk really soothed it! Mine is almost gone now since joining MFP in March! I found peppers were a big culprit and also tinned tuna!! I no they are quite random foods but maybe it will help! Also fried foods and some spicy foods!

    I hope it clears up soon for you as I know how horrible it feels!! :)
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I no a lot of people say it make reflux worse, but I found drinking milk really soothed it! Mine is almost gone now since joining MFP in March! I found peppers were a big culprit and also tinned tuna!! I no they are quite random foods but maybe it will help! Also fried foods and some spicy foods!

    I hope it clears up soon for you as I know how horrible it feels!! :)
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    The truth about reflux is that anything (ANYTHING) you swallow will cause your stomach to produce acid. Try Prilosec OTC, as it'll reduce the amount of acid produced, but it will take about 2 weeks for full results to be noticed.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    Chili contains at least three acid reflux triggers--spices, onions, and tomatoes.

    I never had heartburn before I gained too much weight. Now that I'm down 45 lbs., I'm completely off my GERD medication (omeprazole and/or ranitidine), so I think mine was more weight-related than food-related.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    When I said chilli I meant the vegetable (I think Americans call it a pepper) not the cooked dish.

    I tried sleeping propped up but having a back injury this didn't do me any favours.

    I heard apple cider vinegar was good for reflux and I've tried it (one teaspoon diluted in a glass of warm water with a little honey). It tastes awful and has, so far, given no relief.

    Anyone know of any other remedies I can try?
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