Getting started

Hey! I'm new to Fitnesspal. I'm excited to be getting started. I'm really hopeful that this will work out for me. I don't have a buddy doing this with me so anyone who wants a friend to keep them motivated feel free to add me as a friend and we'll do it together!

Anyone have any really motivating stories about going from over 300 pounds to something smaller? Has this site been really successful for any of you? Want to tell me about it? Hearing success stories really helps to motivate me!



  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member

    I think you'll like it here. Everyone that I've interacted with has been wonderful. I haven't gone from 300 down, but I've gone from 200 down to where I am now. This site is one of the biggest reasons I've been successful.

    Feel free to friend me!

  • MMAsac
    MMAsac Posts: 191
    hey there this is a great place, I was 365 when I started and im 301.8 now, started in january!
  • codyraye
    codyraye Posts: 13
    Wow! Congratulations to both of you. That's fantastic! I hope to have as much success. Everyone here is really friendly and so far having to write down everything that's going into my mouth has been pretty eye opening. Looking forward to finding out the results of my first week of effort :)