New to My Fitness Pal

peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! So I've tried the mobile app for this site and after a week or so, I've lost my way. This time I'm hoping to be here for the long haul! I am 23 and happily married to my best friend. We have a beautiful daughter who makes us laugh everyday. After my pregnancy, I continued gaining weight and am the heaviest I have been in my whole life. I'm disgusted with the weight I've gained and want to get back into a slimmer body. I am hoping that through a combination of increased activity and eating less, I will see some progress. That's the hardest thing for me: getting discouraged when I don't see quick results! I'd love to meet some new friends who can help keep me on track. I'm looking to lose 40 or 50 pounds, so I have a long way to go! Just thought I'd introduce myself =]


  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    Welcome! Just stay positive and remember it is all for your daughter and family. That will keep you motivated! I work out for the most part to keep my stress level down...I don't know what I would do without it!:noway:
  • TerryLynn66
    TerryLynn66 Posts: 7 Member
    good luck to you...i have been heavy most of my life, and i'm serios this time...ill be here for a while too
  • pippy1973
    pippy1973 Posts: 12
    welcome and best of luck on your journey!!!!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome peanut613. This is a great place for accountability and support.
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    welcome it is always nice to meet new people and to get more encouragment from others .
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    I've been on for about 80 days. I've only lost 7lbs but that's ok because my habits have changed a lot & I feel good. I workout 5or6 days a week and I'm very conscious of the portions & calories I eat. Be patient & think of it as changing habits. The weight will slowly but permanently change.
  • naysha77
    naysha77 Posts: 1
    I'm new to MFP, but not to weight loss. What I will tell you is that even though quick weight loss may be tempting and appealing, you have to really have a change of heart and mind. Look at your journey more as a life style modification. You will need to adopt new habits that should be applicable to the entire family. Try keeping your family in mind as motivation. If you start adopting good eating and exercise habits, your children will likely avoid the obesity epidemic taking over our country. You are right. It will take some time, but take it day by day. Set small goals that you can sustain. Diet's don't work because they are too restrictive. I don't believe that there are any bad foods. We just have to learn HOW, WHEN, and HOW MUCH we can eat. Set some basic family rules such as no frying foods at home, no eating at buffets, no real sugars, no more than 8oz of juice/soda per day, etc. Again, I warn against making drastic unrealistic changes. You are young and as you age, your metabolism will change, and you will have to continue to make adjustments to how you eat and exercise, so try not to look at the process as something that happens overnight or in any one particular way. Best wishes on your journey and take your family along for the ride.
  • Mel36Run
    Mel36Run Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome Peanut613!
    After having my 2 children I was up to 244 pounds. Over the past year and 1/2 I have lost a big chunk of the weight on my own through diet and exercise. I have at leat 30 pounds more to go. I recently joined this site because my Dr. suggested it. I had reached the dreaded plateau and was getting discouraged. I really think you will like the site. It helps you keep on track and be honest with yourself. Also it is great to be a part of a community of people trying to get healthy and stay healthy. Good luck with your goal and don't give up! Be proud of even the little steps and acomplishments you make.

    SW 244
    CW 179.2
    GW 150
  • Hi and Welcome!

    I'll be your friend! I'm starting with about 50 lbs, so maybe we can try to keep pace with each other. You know, stay accountable and all that jazz.

    Good luck! Everyone here is rooting for you!

  • Welcome! Naysha, you really tripped my trigger when you mentioned Buffets!!!! I was married for less than a year to my very fit wife and mentioned one evening we should stop at a buffet for dinner. She went into a tirade about buffets, and told me buffet stands for " Big Ugly Fat Folk Eating Together", and it has stuck. Needless to say, we have never eaten at a buffet and every time I hear this word, I chuckle to myself. That was almost twenty years ago and we laugh about it together to this day. I slip up on this journey more than the next person, but you are right- it is not a diet. It is a new way to live and look at food. Eat to live, don't Live to eat. Thanks for the memory!
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