Hello My Fitness Pals

I'm fairly new to this site & would like to meet new people, give & receive advice. As well as, workout suggestions etc. So far I've been using this site for a couple of weeks & find it to be fairly easy to use. Hope to make some new friends...Hears to a New Life Style Change.:smile:


  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    Hello,nice to meet you!!! Feel free to send me a friend request!!!
  • NikitaBlue
    A lifestyle change is what I need too! I am so utterly out of shape, I couldn't even do low-impact aerobics with Richard Simmons for longer than 33 minutes today. I did the Jillian Michaels aerobic fitness test where you do three minutes worth of stepping exercise and then check your heart rate. Mine ranked deadpan last in my age range (the scale went from Excellent to Good to Above Average to Average to Below Average to Poor to Very Poor. I was VERY POOR.) It would be great to get some encouragement and feedback on here; let's keep tabs on each other and give support and luv <3
  • blacrasberri
    blacrasberri Posts: 102
    sounds great! We really need each other in this battle with weight loss