Motivation during 30 DS

I started 30 DS on June 1 with the intent of doing it daily. I am not far off as I have only missed 2 days, 1 due to illness and the other because we had company over late at night. My problem is that I am having trouble staying motivated to continue doing this every night. I am fairly active throughout the day...mother of 4 and running a daycare. I do not find that I have more energy as I am exhausted by the end of the day after my daily routines. I try to get my rest in the morning before the first child arrives so that I do have energy for them. I feel forced to work through this but would like to "look forward" to it as well. Any suggestions to stay on target? How do you manage to do it daily? I love the fact that it is only 20-28 mins/workout! I just want to stay focused and make it through!


  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I do my workouts first thing when I get up, as a night shifter it's afternoon, but when I get up I get my water and get to work. I find that by the time I'm done I have a lot of energy and feel energized for the day. Doesn't work for everyone, but it starts my day out right and keeps me going all night long in my case :)
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Hi I started on 5/29 and I like to do it on the morning because after work I'm tierd so I won't do it : ( but hey you should look at this post about before and after pics from ppl that finish 30 DS and I think it's very inspiring I like to look at it everyday and be like I wanna get results like them so I been doing it for 12 days in a row!!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Hi I started on 5/29 and I like to do it on the morning because after work I'm tierd so I won't do it : ( but hey you should look at this post about before and after pics from ppl that finish 30 DS and I think it's very inspiring I like to look at it everyday and be like I wanna get results like them so I been doing it for 12 days in a row!!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I started June 1 and I'm kind of with you. I do it but I'm not really "enjoying" it.

    Although......10 days in I'm really seeing a difference already. So if I see it in 10 days, I can't wait to see what another 20 days will do. And this is what keeps me going.

    I'm a night person so that makes it easier for me to fit in. I've done it as late as 10:00pm LOL. I figure it's only 30 days, so I fit it in just so I can consider myself one day closer to the results.

    It helps the read the thread that shows 30DS after pics. They are great motivators!
  • staceyrrad
    staceyrrad Posts: 25 Member
    I'm currently on day... 17? I think. My motivation? I think about how I feel when I skip my workout... guilty, disappointed, unaccomplished etc, Then! I think of how I feel after I finish. I feel strong, I feel sexy, I feel really good!

    I figure that if only 25ish minutes can make me feel that... then I should just to get off my *kitten* and do it!

    (I also try to do it in the morning to give me energy for the rest of the day!)
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I can now do the jumping jacks. i could not in the beginning. I'm on day 5 and so excited that I can do that portion...also helps that I have lost 1 inch in my very large ab!