How do you do it!? Looking for Motivation!



  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    If you have an open diary then knowing that you have to log it in for others to see is a huge motivation not to eat the crap:laugh:
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    For me finding out what was causing the problem is fixing it. I knew I was upset at my job and was eating too many sweets and wine at night and struggling not to but its hard when your upset.

    I finally had to quit to get away from toxic boss. Even though money is tight and we have no extras now, it was like a huge weight was off me and all of a sudden I could exercise again, I haven't had a drink in two weeks and I am eating healthy again.

    So look for what is the root of your eating, boredom, job, relationship, etc...
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I find making small changes over time to be key. Whenever I try to change a ton of stuff at once it doesn't work. For example, I don't drink soda...ever. I used to drink 6 or more full caffeine, full sugar sodas a day. Do you know how many calories that was?!?!? So, I gave that up but didn't give up any of my other bad habits. Then, when that one was accomplished, I picked another one. Then another. And so on. My diet is still far from perfect but it is waaaay better. And, I have come to realize that certain things are not going to life is happier with Cheese and wine in it, for example.

    For me, tracking calories is absolutely essential. I have been on this road more than once and I will get to a point where I am happy with my weight and tell myself that I know how to eat now and I don't have to track my calories anymore. I really don't know how many times I am going to have to relearn that lesson!

    Exercise is a big one for me. The days I don't exercise I feel less motivated and I also struggle a lot with eating. I eat all my exercise calories (which also motivates me to exercise.

    Come here and read the forums...helps me keep focused.

    Best of luck!