this is not normal!! problems with overeating.

x_sotonguetied Posts: 97
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
sooo frustrated with myself!

time and time again my progress gets derailed by nobody other than myself! just when i really start to get going on being healthy and losing weight, and feeling really good about myself, i seem to throw it all out the window.

i know that if i have ANY more than one cheat day a week, that it always goes downhill after that, and yet i find myself doing it anyways. i'm lucky if i stop myself after a few days, which is what i'm trying to do now. (as day #3 of horrible, HORRIBLE overeating just happened). usually it turns into a week which turns into a continuing downward spiral of lost motivation and diet rebellion.

it just doesn't make sense though! i feel better when i eat healthy, i look better, i sleep better. everything better! and i know i'm better than these eating habits i give into over and over again, and as i'm doing these things i'm thinking of this, and thinking how i shouldn't be doing it, but i go through and do it anyways!

and then i sit here, as i am now, feeling defeated, upset, and angry at myself, and more than anything confused as to why i let myself do this in the first place. it's not even normal!

am i the only one here?!?

i don't know if i should just start tomorrow new and forget about, or give myself some sort of self-punishment, brainstorm strategy #500 to try and prevent this from happening.

ugh, i just don't know. i tell myself i won't do it anymore, because it's not worth it and i always feel terrible, but then it always ends up happening again. i'm just sick of it!

ahhhhhhhhhhh. alright, i'm done lol. this was more of a rant than anything. i'm just so annoyed with myself, and no one i know in real life understands so i figured if anywhere, here would be the place somebody might understand.

losing weight is fun, eh?


  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    I do the same thing. Usually it starts with me convincing myself that it's no big deal because I've been doing so good OR I talk myself into thinking it'll make me feel better (I'm a big salt eater and when I get migraines, that's all I crave). Unfortunately, like you said, it usually goes from one treat, to one whole day, to a whole week of massive, crappy food consumption. Just enough to sabotage any weight losses I may have made by sticking to my diet. Honestly, the only thing I've found that remotely helps is not making rules (so, not saying, absolutely am i never going to eat X again). If I do that, I am sure to bumble up within the next week or so. I do best with others holding me accountable but I can never seem to find anyone invested enough to actually keep up with things, so I've just gotten to the point where I bring it up (my sticking to my diet, exercise, etc.) constantly in conversation so at least it's out in the open. I'm trying to get to the point where I don't have to rely on others' reactions to keep me on track but so far no luck. Try not to get too down on yourself (at least, that's never helped me). I would really try some way to focus (and I mean, tons of attention) on the good stuff, so that you're more motivated to lean in that direction. Good luck!!!
  • lisay9
    lisay9 Posts: 18
    Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Staying fat is hard.
    .......... Choose your Hard?

    Just a little inspirational quote for us all to think about :)
    But seriously, I go through what you are describing on a daily basis. I wake up determined to stay under calorie. I never quite make it. I did the first few months and that's when I lost the most weight.
    We just need to get our head's around this.
    My problem is that as much as I love being thinner, I love food too.
    We can do this. Let's stop talking about it and just do it.........................
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    You're definitely not alone. I used to do the very exact same thing to myself. Then I happened to read an article about eating disorders which included Compulsive Overeating. Then I found OA - Overeaters Anonymous. There I found a whole room full of people who have gone through/are going through the same self battles.
    The key is abstinence. Stay away from sugars, sugar substitutes and other refined carbs. I've read in several book that those foods are like alcohol to an alcoholic. We are addicted to them, literally.
    There are a couple of discussion threads on here about it and lots of people to support you as well.
    You can do it ! :)
  • I don't know what plan you are doing but what seems to be working for me is keeping my calories to around 1200 per day, exercising moderately for 30 minutes 3 times a week, and I will probably do one "cheat day" meaning I'll eat over my calorie limit, probably have something big and gooey and chocolate and fattening! Although I am eating smart and keeping calories down I refuse to deny myself everything yummy that has calories. For example, a serving of dove chocolate caramels is 200 calories. I can have that once or twice a week and still keep my calories down. I am also using Visalus protein shakes, two a day...that has really really helped me stay on track and although I just started back seriously on weight loss goals, in the first 5 days I am losing some weight. I have a long way to go but I am just tired of being overweight!!! Tired of not having a waist! I'm older, so it's even harder but WE can do this no matter what age if we really can delay instant gratification for the gratification of looking and feeling better down the road. But I refuse to be on a "diet"....or to totally deprive myself, because like you I will end up gorging myself on something like cookies and then being upset with myself! Don't know if that helps or not. Hope so. Just get back on track.
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Here it is 1:00 in the morning as I sit in front of the computer eating AGAIN! I so hear what you are saying and agree with you. What is wrong with us that we can not stop this self mutilation. I have been gaining and losing the same weight since I started on this site over a year ago. I have more to lose but can never stay focused enough to get there.
  • I nearly cried reading this. :(
    I am exactly, and I mean EXACTLY the same.
    I don't have any words of advice, but I'd love to hear some. Please.
  • hermione_ar
    hermione_ar Posts: 68 Member
    I do the same thing! As soon as I get upset/worried/stressed I eat eat eat. I've been struggling with it this week too. It's almost like I want to fail! You're not the only one, I think a lot of us struggle with WHY we overeat. I don't think anyone can maintain weight loss until the work out why they were over eating in the first place. I'm still working on it!
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