Metformin for PCOS sufferers....

jude666 Posts: 231 Member
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I've heard a lot of ladies on here discussing Metformin, which I understand can be prescribed to PCOS sufferers to control their sugar intolerence. Can anyone tell me whether they've had success on this as I am curious if its something that will help me or not.

I still haven't lost any actual weight and have been religiously sticking to 1200 calories, keeping up with regular exercise (eating back at least half if not all of the calories back) and still the scale hasn't budged. I am getting more and more upset by the day as although I can feel that my body is getting more toned, but I really want to see a difference in the scale now. I am 11 stone (154lbs) and have been for a while now, i desperately want to be 9.5 stone which is a healthy weight for my height (i'm 5' 5").

I have accepted that it is harder for PCOS sufferers to lose the weight, but this is just ridiculous! I should have lost SOME weight but not NONE!! I am tempted to discuss Metformin with my doctor. However, i don't know if this is something that is prescribed in the UK or not as i've only seen people from USA discuss it.

Am I correct in thinking it controls sugar intolerence? Does it help with fertility also?



  • amy218
    amy218 Posts: 1 Member
    I was prescribed metformin last year. There are varying doses that you can take anything from 1 to 3 tablets a day. I did lose some weight however it wasn't as much as I'd hoped. The doctor told me that with exercise I should expect to lose 1-2kg a week. This NEVER happened! I will confess that at the time I wasn't comitted to exercising as I am now so that may have also had an impact on the weight loss. I am 11st 7lbs and 5ft 4ins and over the last 6 months have only lost 7lbs through intense exercise and a very healthy diet so I fully understand the upset it can cause, especially when others around you are able to lose quickly!

    I would speak to the doctor but definately maintain an acitive lifestlye and not just rely on the medication.
    Hope this is some help!
  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member

    Yes you can get Metformin in the UK but I have heard that the side effects can be pretty rough on some women. I think it helps you to lose weight which in turn (in theory) would improve fertility but this is only what I have picked up from reading about it (I have PCOS too). It's worth speaking to your doctor and at least finding out your options :o)
  • elsapm
    elsapm Posts: 51 Member
    I am on my second time around on Metformin. I am currently on 1000mg of the XR/day. I have been taking it for not quite 2 months and have not lost any weight to speak of either. For me, I have had SO much going on lately that excercise has been sorely lacking and last time I was able to lose any weight, excercise was crucial to really combat the IR effects.

    Anyhow, the Met hasn't helped me directly lose any weight, but what i have noticed is that the (extreme) cravings I would have for sugar/carbs has diminished markedly which has been instrumental in maintaining the weight I am at and being able to manage my diet better. Met doesn't come without a price though. It generally wreaks havoc on your GI system, so if you and your doctor decide it is the right thing for you to try, then I would strongly suggest starting at a lower dose and working up to the intended dose. In my case, the side effects of the XR are much less than the regular release medication. It does get better as your body adjusts, but just be aware that this is a VERY common side effect. I take mine at night also to help alleviate the unpleasant side effects.

    As far as the fertility aspect is concerned, it can help some anovulatory women spontaneously ovulate. This was the case with me and I was able to get pregnant in less than 6 months on Met last time around. Currently I am not TTC, just dealing with the IR, but I know first hand that this can work for some rather than going directly to Clomid or IVF treatments.

    But just like all the other PCOS issues, since everyone's symptoms and severity of symptoms differs, there is no "one" thing to help everyone deal with each aspect of the syndrome.

    GOOD LUCK!!! I know how frustrating this process can be with PCOS but hang in there. Even if you don't see the immediate physical results, just know you are doing things that are helping to normalize your hormone issues and improve your health overall and the physical results will come...just DON'T GIVE UP!!! :smile:

    This is also my 2nd time on metformin (glucophage - which is another version of it) and have been for about 3 months this round. I had HORRIBLE upset tummy and had several times where I couldn't keep food down when I first started on it. My advice if you try this medication is START SLOW. The second time I decided to try the medication I started on 1/4 a pill a day and upped my dosage by 1/4 of a pill per week till I was at 1 pill, then I ramped up a little quicker on a pill and a half for a week, then 2. I only take 1000mg but some doctors will prescribe 3 or more depending.

    I agree I haven't lost a ton of weight just from the medication but I think it has helped a little. My sugar cravings and hunger in general were pretty muted for the first month or two of taking it but I feel like I am back to normal now.

    I have yo-yo'd on many diets. It wasn't until I started seeing a nutritionist for an eating plan that compliments insulin resistence that the weight is starting to come off easier, but i also have a lot to lose. My blog has some general information about the eating plan I am following if you are interested. If you have any questions feel free to message me.
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    I have PCOS too. I take 2000 mg of metformin and inject 2 doses of 10 mg Byetta daily. I have an awesome reproductive endocrinologist and have done well since I started seeing him in January. As for weight loss, a lot of doctors will tell you exercise 30 min per day but you really need to clock 200-300 minutes of exercise per week to really see a change. 30 min will probably only maintain weight especially if you are not raising your HR to cardio levels. About 50+ min of exercise 5 days per week does the trick for me.
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    I was never successful at losing weight until I started taking Metformin. I've been on 1500mg of metformen ER for about 6 weeks now and I have lost about 12 pounds so far with little effort except to cut down my sugar intake. I have noticed that my weight loss is starting to slow down a bit though. But as slow as it is coming off, at least it's still coming off instead of coming back on.
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    Metformin has so far not helped me to ovulate though. It's been about 5 months since my last period. I've had a few days of spotting here and there, but nothing more.
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