

  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    IF you already were going to get your tubes tied then here is another option that will be cheaper because they dont have to put you asleep or cut you open. It is permanent. After my 3 rd child last year I had what was called ESSURE. It is done in the doctors office. My insurance did pay for most of mine so I am not sure what all it costs. Anyway you go into the drs office and before hand they give you a valium to take to take away the edge. The doctor then goes in through your vagina and puts these things that look like springs into your fallopian tubes. It didnt hurt just a little pressure is what I felt. It took maybe 20 minutes for the whole thing. They tell you to use some other type of BC for 3 months. Then at 3 months you go and have a special xray done to see if your tubes are blocked. Mine were. YEA ME... During those 3 months tissue grows around the springs blocking it. I have had mine done for a year now and have no scares or nothing. The only thing they say is after the procedure you may have some cramping. I had my mother in law drive me because of the valium I took. You could check into that.
    ALthough I really didnt want it done myself but after 3 kids I knew we couldnt afford anymore and the last one I had a hard time during the pregnancy. I was always in alot of pain down below and had to go to physical therapy for it.

    I also agree with most of the other posts about your hubby. He may just be insecure in how he feels, which probably doesnt have much to do with you. He just may be worrying that you might leave if you look all hot and skinny. My hubby feels to secure with me LOL. It drives me crazy. Sometimes I just wish maybe once he would get jealous. I think he does he just doesnt show it. DARN HIM.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I like your attitude!

    The whole 50/50 thing stops when it involves our bodies.

    He must understand this is your body-and YOU are the one raising your kids. Period.