Crazy schedule ... how to fit it in?

Hey all, I have had a weight problem since like 18-20 and with two pregnancies now I am a balloon! I want to loose weight and set a good example for my kids and all the healthy lifestyle reasons everyone is here.

I NEED suggestions! I am in graduate school full-time, I work in home health in a rural area (12 hour days is terrible for packing lunches so I fast-food at least once a day :( We don't get lunch breaks), I have two kids. Anyways, like everyone else I have life, but I have to find tips on how to fit a healthy lifestyle in. I am looking for suggestions regarding:

How to pack calorie burning activity in a short amount of time? Anything that is kid friendly (ages 6 and 3)?
Any exciting meal ideas for days I work? Recipes that will last in a cooler for 12 hours.


  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    You could definitely do some dancing with the kids. Or rollerskating, playing tag, bowling, swimming, etc. I think by doing those things you'd be working out but having so much fun that it wouldn't feel like a chore. :smile:
  • peralescm
    peralescm Posts: 12 Member
    Wow!! You have a busy schedule and a full plate but your health comes first! And YOU come first and in order for you to function well and be healthy and be available to other you must take care of YOU FIRST! Who's FIRST? YOU!! I do the 30 day Shred by Jillian Micheals, not sure if you've heard of it but you can get it at Target or Wal-mart for $10 dollars it's a DVD and it is only 20 minutes. It is 3 levels but you slowly work your way up but all it is is 20 minutes...I'm sure you could wake up 1/2 an hour early to do this for yourself. It goes by so fast and the results are incredible, for me at least. I love it because I sweat and my muscles feel it and it is once a day for 20 minutes. And to start slow you can swimming with your kids now that it is summer because that is a great form to burn calories. Trust me you will love that 20 min. workout, YOU are WORTH it!

    As far as the recipes go I tend to cook the night before and just heat up my lunch but you say you don't get a lunch break so I'm guessing you wouldn't be able to heat up your lunch. You can make some great salads...spinach w/ walnuts, bleu cheese crumbles and grilled chicken. Or mixed greens with strawberries, pecan, fetta and grilled can make all kinds of great fiber/protein filled salads and they will keep in your cooler.

    I hope all this helps and I wish you all the best on yoru journey!!