Help!!! (food shopping issues)



  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Personally i believe that shopping in the aisles is what costs the most. If you stick to the outer ailes (produce, dairy, meat) you can get all your essentials and most of the time those things arent processed foods. Plus way less temptations.
  • Lstrhi
    Lstrhi Posts: 132
    operation healthy shopping? success
    operation stay on budget? one big pile of fail.
    i spent 115 instead of spending just my 75 dollar budget.

    but i did get lots of healthy stuff, so i guess it's worth it :/
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Next trip will be easier since you've already gotten some things and you've got a better idea of costs. I did want to point out one thing about chicken. Personally, I only buy skinless boneless breasts, but thats just a personal thing. I don't eat meat on bones! Any chicken you buy, please check the labels! Lots of them have so much added water(injected) it's a major shock when you cook it! Some of them can be as much as 15% added water! Usually when I buy the stores fresh packaged, they only have 1-3%.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    So today will be the first food shopping trip i'm making since I've starting on this big lifestyle change. The thing is, it's wayyy more expensive to eat healthy and i'm kinda broke right now. I have a total of about 75 dollars to spend on food for me and the bf and I need ideas of healthy stuff to eat. If the food in question is quick to prepare, that's even better. I'm already getting:

    grilled chicken
    salad stuff
    frozen/ healthy emergency dinners

    Any other ideas guys?

    Eating healthy is actually cheaper if you cut out pre-made meal. I'd ditch the boca burgers and the frozen dinners, and buy some beans and Ziploc bags. Take a bit of time at the beginning of the week and prep your food. Blanche or roast some veg and freeze, make a pot of beans and make your own veggie burgers. cook up a pot of rice or pasta and sort into individual servings. buy a family pack of chicken, season and cook it yourself. Then you can have it more than one way.and ditto on the fish.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's SO hard to buy healthy food on a budget...and definitely if you want it quick to prepare.

    Yesterday I went to the store and spent 25 dollars.

    I bought:
    - 5lbs of fresh strawberries
    - 4 kiwis
    - a bag of red seedless grapes
    - skinless boneless chickenbreasts (there was like 10 huge pieces in the pack)
    - 5 skinless chicken legs
    - a bag of salad
    - 2 cucumbers
    - 2 green peppers
    - green beans

    and i have NO idea how I got all of that for 25 dollars! lol I was very proud so I thought I'd share =) lol

    Then as soon as I got home I prepared all the fruit in a bowl and prepared the chicken to cook that way I wouldn't have to worry about doing it later.

    see the youtube in my sig. These guys beat that.