How to stay motivated...

jojohove Posts: 9
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Why or why is it so easy to "fall off the wagon" and put a shed load of weight on in one week and then take the next 4 to loose it. How do you stay motivated to keep going and how do you avoid undoing all your hard work in one weekend - I have a life and like my cake and drink!! Help.....


  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I have the same issue and what I try and do is make my days on the weekends really active so my drinks at night dont hurt as much :drinker:
  • ckncj
    ckncj Posts: 183 Member
    You can certainly have a life - and keep your eyes on the goal. It's weighing out what's important to you and taking the steps necessary to stay focused. For me, it's easier to focus on mini-goals (for example....not go over on sugars for one day, or not eat cheese for a day - both are VERY difficult for me) versus looking at the big picture of needing to lose XYZ pounds.

    Keep focused and you can do it!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    I try to contrast knowing how great I feel every day I push on vs. how crappy I feel for every day I do bad. I love that I can start to beat my wife in just dance sometimes now, I love the amount of energy I have now, I absolutely despise the way I feel after I abuse my eating habits and see the scale rocket the wrong far losing it over the holiday weekend sent a strong enough message to me.

    Focus on what you love about what you're doing, don't focus on how hard it is or how good it feels to cheat, because that feeling is short lived.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hear ya.. I'm 23, I have friends like to go out for drinks, eat, etc.

    The way I look at is, one day is not going to kill me.. so I just might as well do it. If I know that I will be going out eating,drinking, etc, I will go to the gym and make up for it with exercise. That way I have a bit of an extra cushion and don't go over by that much.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    Set some mini goals, daily, weekly even monthly. that is what keeps me going.
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    Also, my wife loves to bake and I'm a beer fanatic. I've just learned to track what I put in my body. I still drink my beer, I just drink less of it and enjoy it more because I know the downside to not tracking it.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I stay motivated for my health. I think of food as medicine for my body. When I eat food, I think of the vitamins and minerals that are in that food and how it can nourish my body. I think of living a long life together with my husband. I remind myself that by exercising and eating well, I am reducing my chance to get cancer, diabetes, or heart disease which all sound like miserable ways to live to me. I focus on quantitative results like cholesterol checks and how good I feel, rather than the weight I'm at.

    Focusing on your health works, and helps you to make your changes a true lifestyle change instead of just a "diet."
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    What keeps me motivated is I see inches coming off faster then the weight. My tummy is getting flat, I'm losing my love handles. My clothes are fitting better. Just knowing something is working helps. I'm shrinking!

    Keep going, workout and you will see results!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I just try to not focus on how hard something may be but instead I think about how I will feel if I dont' eat or drink somethhing versus how I would feel if I did eat poorly and drank alot. I am not a drinker myself but my downfall is diet coke. feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other. Hang in there, stay positive and remember that we are all here for you!1

  • lbowa2
    lbowa2 Posts: 14
    I hear you loud and clear on motivation! I've been at this for 6 months now...although I am pleased so far with my results I get discouraged because I wanted to be at down 60 by now. So I am off my mark by 15 pounds and this week was my worst lazy week yet. I have only been doing my lunch time work out, haven't gone to the gym at night in 2 weeks (I have been busting my butt with yard work every night and watching calories) but I can't help but lose the motivation. A friend suggested I "redo" my workout music. It's stale and brings me down. So this weekend that is what I am going to do. Snazz up the ipod and jump back in Monday full force.
  • jojohove
    jojohove Posts: 9
    Thanks so much guys. I start a new job tomorrow and know I'll be late home, so I've batched up some healthy soup for the freezer today so fingers crossed I'll get back on the wagon!!
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