

  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    And I believe that part of what causes the obesity epidemic. People know they don't want to put for the ridiculous effort it takes to get to that size and think "why bother".

    Partly, yes. Also, it's a lot cheaper to eat crap. Produce is expensive. McDonald's has a dollar value menu and you can get a snack cake wrapped in plastic with enough crap pumped into that it could survive a nuclear holocaust for 25 cents. And people sit on their butts all day long. Technology has made us into some lazy fat *kitten*.
  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    Sounds like the woman is jealous. In my years of yo yo dieting, I have had more than my fair share of jealous people and their unsolicited comments. Take it as a badge of honor.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Sniff....sniff.....I smell a competitive, jealous woman! :laugh: Pretty soon, she'll be bringing in a cake! :devil:

  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Sniff....sniff.....I smell a competitive, jealous woman! :laugh: Pretty soon, she'll be bringing in a cake! :devil:


    YES, I see the same thing happening in your future. Be strong and avoid the up and coming cake ;)
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    And I believe that part of what causes the obesity epidemic. People know they don't want to put for the ridiculous effort it takes to get to that size and think "why bother".

    Partly, yes. Also, it's a lot cheaper to eat crap. Produce is expensive. McDonald's has a dollar value menu and you can get a snack cake wrapped in plastic with enough crap pumped into that it could survive a nuclear holocaust for 25 cents. And people sit on their butts all day long. Technology has made us into some lazy fat *kitten*.
    LOL. I agree. It's so much cheaper to buy fatty foods. I started buying healthier foods and spend twice as much on groceries. I also agree that they keep inventing things that are making people lazy.... lots of times ill take the stairs, park far away so I get more walking in...walk down the street to get my mail(my husband drives down to the mailbox) ...
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    i used to be in a sorority. i had lost like 22 pounds over the course of a year, and i felt great. then, at a social, i was accused of being anorexic by the president (immediately after having eaten matzah ball soup and lasagna, i might add), then I was accused of it again by a couple of other girls, who were also concerned that i ran most days of the week, or maybe 4-5 days some weeks. then, because I became so worried about my eating habits, I gained all of this weight back within months, and went to therapy. it's taken me FOREVER to get back into the swing of things. feh.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    i used to be in a sorority. i had lost like 22 pounds over the course of a year, and i felt great. then, at a social, i was accused of being anorexic by the president (immediately after having eaten matzah ball soup and lasagna, i might add), then I was accused of it again by a couple of other girls, who were also concerned that i ran most days of the week, or maybe 4-5 days some weeks. then, because I became so worried about my eating habits, I gained all of this weight back within months, and went to therapy. it's taken me FOREVER to get back into the swing of things. feh.

    I was in a sorority too and they are awful for things like that. You're either not thin enough or you're too thin and you have a problem.. hate that stupid double standard!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    [LOL. I agree. It's so much cheaper to buy fatty foods. I started buying healthier foods and spend twice as much on groceries. I also agree that they keep inventing things that are making people lazy.... lots of times ill take the stairs, park far away so I get more walking in...walk down the street to get my mail(my husband drives down to the mailbox) ...

    It's why the obesity rates are so much higher amongst the poor. It's sad. Here in Chicago I always see people buying a bunch of crap processed food at the dollar store with their LINK cards (food stamps via debit card here in Illinois). It's so darn sad.

    As for your husband driving to the mailbox... hilarious. :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    You know what - I am the type of person who would say those things to someone who's lost a lot of weight, and you know why???? Cause I wish I could...maybe you could help her through her challenge :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    No reason to get mad. Put yourself in her shoes. She had to have surgery and starve herself to get to a healthy weight. It's unfair for her to judge you, but it's also unfair for us to judge her. It's unfortunate that she had to go to extremes, but we don't know her whole story. Obviously, she didn't have the tools and knowledge to get herself healthy. Her comments are probably made out of ignorance and a little bit of envy. I say laugh it off and be happy that you are not in her shoes.

    You've lost 70 pounds the right way. Who cares what anyone thinks. You're awesome.

    Yep what this person said....
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    my mom is like that too i told her a few weeks ago that i was thinking about changing my goal from 125 to 115 (im 5ft 3) and she goes OH NO KATIE!! you'll look anorexic, i say MOM you are an INCH taller than me and at my age you were 105lbs...115 is not unreasonable, i still have it set to 125 to keep my sanity but when i get there i most llikely will lose more ppl are nuts

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    And I believe that part of what causes the obesity epidemic. People know they don't want to put for the ridiculous effort it takes to get to that size and think "why bother".

    Partly, yes. Also, it's a lot cheaper to eat crap. Produce is expensive. McDonald's has a dollar value menu and you can get a snack cake wrapped in plastic with enough crap pumped into that it could survive a nuclear holocaust for 25 cents. And people sit on their butts all day long. Technology has made us into some lazy fat *kitten*.

    I don't think it is cheaper to eat crap. Sure there is a dollar menu, but the portions are very small. You can buy a bag of carrots for $2, a bag of brown rice and a bag of beans for about the same each and feed a whole family. For more than one meal.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    You shoulda said, don't worry it's not my lack of eating, it's all the coke I blow on the weekend

    Ahahahaha. High FIVE.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I don't think it is cheaper to eat crap. Sure there is a dollar menu, but the portions are very small. You can buy a bag of carrots for $2, a bag of brown rice and a bag of beans for about the same each and feed a whole family. For more than one meal.

    Seriously? Are you American? Do you live anywhere where people are living in poverty? Produce is expensive. Even the non-organic produce. A tomato is almost a dollar...sometimes more. I can get three little debbie snack cakes for a dollar. I see people eating cheetos for breakfast on the train and stocking up on processed macaroni and cheese at the dollar store. A spaghetti squash costs $7, but I can buy a package of bologna for $2. Maybe it's my exposure to urban poverty, but I cannot fathom how one could think it's not cheaper to eat junk food over healthy foods. It's why processed food exists. It can be mass produced cheaply.

    Wow, we are way off topic here. Sorry about the thread hijack.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't think it is cheaper to eat crap. Sure there is a dollar menu, but the portions are very small. You can buy a bag of carrots for $2, a bag of brown rice and a bag of beans for about the same each and feed a whole family. For more than one meal.

    Seriously? Are you American? Do you live anywhere where people are living in poverty? Produce is expensive. Even the non-organic produce. A tomato is almost a dollar...sometimes more. I can get three little debbie snack cakes for a dollar. I see people eating cheetos for breakfast on the train and stocking up on processed macaroni and cheese at the dollar store. A spaghetti squash costs $7, but I can buy a package of bologna for $2. Maybe it's my exposure to urban poverty, but I cannot fathom how one could think it's not cheaper to eat junk food over healthy foods. It's why processed food exists. It can be mass produced cheaply.

    Wow, we are way off topic here. Sorry about the thread hijack.

    I was thinking the same thing.. where do you live? It's cheaper for me to buy a bag of candy and a bottle of Pepsi than to buy a bag of grapes and a bag of salad... it is more expensive to be healthy. My grocery bill shows it. I used to buy ding dongs and ice cream. Now its carrots and apples and I spent about $20 more a week.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Thanks, Heather. I was starting to think maybe I was crazy.
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