Body bugg: Anyone use it??

Just wondering if anyone uses the body bugg to track their calorie expenditures and what they think about it? Also, maybe if someone has use it and a competing brand and if they see a difference? thanks!


  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    Yeah, what cassondaragan asked! I want to know too.
  • CelticDestiny
    CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
    I've recently looked into getting one, but I just can't bring myself to pay that much $$ for it. I think it would be great to see true numbers though. A previous co-worker (when I was still working) got one and she loved it. It was about 3 years ago so it was an older model. Maybe someday in the future I'll invest in one. If anyone has more info on it I'd love to know too!
  • tkeller3
    tkeller3 Posts: 15 Member
    I have the bodymedia fit armband (same exact thing as the body bugg) and I LOVE it! It is so fun to see your calorie deficit everyday translate into pounds lost on the scale. I am a gadget girl so I love this type of thing anyway. It was expensive but well worth it in my opinion. My only complaint is you can't wear it swimming so I wear my HRM in the pool. Maybe someday they will make a waterproof one.
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    tkeller, was the bodymedia fit armband less expensive than the body bugg??
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    I have the bodybugg and love love love love love it!!!!

    I wear it from morning to night, plug it in in the evening and I love to see how much calories I burn, subtract the cals I've ate from MFP and I get my deficit! I post all my deficits on my profile to keep me accountable knowing someone could be looking at it.

    through the bodybugg website i think they are having a deal for $159 free ground shipping right now, I got mine when they had a sale for $139 free ground shipping.

    The bodybugg seriously has changed my life and my view on fitness and I love telling everyone who asks me "what is that on your arm?" ;0)
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    Okay, girl! I'll drink the kool aid! haha. You have totally sold me. (You should get a commission on my purchase!)