A week-old here

Hello everyone, just joined this site last Sunday and am on my first week here. This site is really a big help as now I can keep track on what i eat and how much. In this way, I can control myself more. Before joining here I already lost 25 lbs but it was 4 mos ago and now it seems my weight doesn't change and even gained a few pounds although I exercise regularly w/ strength training and only eat whole foods. However, I lost 3 inches on my waist and people here in my country say I'm getting slimmer but I wondered why my weight dont go down. With this site, I discovered that I was actually putting in too many calories than I thought. Well guys, I hope you all have great time there. Please feel free to add me on your friends list as I still don't have any as of this time.


  • Amandanoralynn
    Amandanoralynn Posts: 231 Member
    Hi, I have been here a week and a half. It does help you to stay focus on many things. I like to see how my exercise counts. I do know I do best if I get four miles in, but normally I only get two.
    I wish you the best of luck. Smiles, Amanda
  • soniamb
    soniamb Posts: 22
    Hi, feel free to add me. It's not until you start counting you actually realise how many calories are in what you're eating.
    :) Sonia