Pushing yourself at the gym ?

nicole716 Posts: 43 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone. :) as of right now, i normally do about 20 minutes on the elliptical machine and 10 minutes of jogging & fast walking. However, i want to bump up my cardio to 40 minutes of the elliptical and 15 minutes of jogging & fast walking.

how do you find the motivation to push yourself harder at the gym? any suggestions are welcome :) thanks!


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I put audiobooks and engaging podcasts on my ipod and only let myself listen when I'm working out. Unfotunately, this is not conducive to intervals or weight training for me, but for steady-paced cardio, it works really well. Good luck!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I like the feeling of doing something I couldn't do before, and/or something that used to be hard now being easy.

    I also concentrate a lot on HOW I'm doing something, ie trying to make my stride cleaner, my lunges deeper, my abs more engaged, etc. That gives my mind something to do when what my body is doing gets repetitive.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    Looking at your age and goals, I suggest doing weight machines to tone instead of more cardio. It's easy to add more weight.
    If you insist on cardio, I suggest getting a heart rate monitor and getting to 85% maximum fast then keeping it about there for the duration. I'm so old that isn't hard to do, but it will be a real challenge for you.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Looking at your age and goals, I suggest doing weight machines to tone instead of more cardio. It's easy to add more weight.
    If you insist on cardio, I suggest getting a heart rate monitor and getting to 85% maximum fast then keeping it about there for the duration. I'm so old that isn't hard to do, but it will be a real challenge for you.
    I agree that resistance training would be a good addition to your current workout. It's beneficial in so many ways!
  • shells62682
    shells62682 Posts: 16 Member
    I find that a good workout mix (music) is key!!! I use songs that really get me motivated and moving.

    Also the gym that I work out at has TVs. So I usually watch really bad trashy TV while working out. This also helps...
  • Lexino
    Lexino Posts: 153 Member
    I try and go just a little further than last time, I say "okay did 30 last time, need to do at least 32 this time" but I keep bumping it up and it gets easier everytime too (well almost everytime time :))! I just did 45 minutes on the elliptical at 150-190 strides per minutes!! When I started I couldn't do 10 minutes at 80 strides per minute without wanting to keel over. Also MUSIC! I couldn't push myself like I do without good fast beat music!
  • nicole716
    nicole716 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! :) normally i just watch TV while on the elliptical, but i'm going to try and listen to really upbeat music & see how that works out. and i'll also do resistence training. so excited!!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    when i do treadmill or elliptical i watch movies or tv shows on my ipod , watching a good show or movie helps me lose track of time. There have been a few time that i go over my intended time, even doing personal bests on times, because the movie or show is exciting and i want to see the end
  • You could take that second part of your cardio and make it a HIIT workout, that will raise your metobism far above what steady state or even interval programs will do. And your post workout calorie consumption would be doubled. It would take ten minutes after your first 20. That would serve as a good warmup also before HIIT (higth intensity interval training) example, you look like you could run at 12mph, you would do a warmup of 1 minute, get to 12mph for 45 seconds, bring it down to 3.0mph walk, repeat until 10minutes are up, If your want to push it that is.
  • lizabeth24_10
    lizabeth24_10 Posts: 5 Member
    i am always on the elliptical...i get through 50-60 minutes on it and i could not do it without my ipod! get lots of upbeat music to get you pumped up! when you start to feel like you cant continue just think, " i am gonna be lookin so hot in that bikini this summer!" lol! it will push you so you can finish! then once you do finish its such an amazing feeling! :) good luck
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    I use my time on cardio machines to think... Since I really don't need to focus on a routine while on cardio machines, I'll usually zone out by thinking about something that has been bothering me. That usually gives me a little extra push trying to burn out my frustrations. Usually by the end, I have had plenty of time to reflect and get passed the issue and if not, I'm too tired to even stress out over it.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    when it comes to cardio, if i'm going to do it, i have to love it. When it comes to something I don't love, I just think of what I get to eat. But I find cardio that I want to do, and make it 45 minutes :)
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I find that not wanting to be fat motivates me. :D
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    This is going to sound REALLY stupid to other people but it works for me. I hear a lot of about "personal preference" on this website.

    I've been able to push myself far past any limits I thought I've had restricting me in the gym (I didn't know i could run consistently for 60 minutes).

    Here's are tips that I go with:

    -Treat yourself, even if it's stupid. What I get into heavy cardio I start sweating (as does everyone else, I'm sure) and I will tell myself that I cannot wipe the sweat off until I make it to a goal (pick a time, for the 60 minute run I did the other day I would wipe the sweat off my face every 10 minutes and suffer in between). I'd also treat myself to water when I made certain benchmarks.

    -Watch TV. I watch TV to keep my mind off of the insanity I'm putting myself through (actually plug in your headphones, I used to just listen to music while watching but you end up becoming more distracted if you can hear what's going on)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I usually do about 75 minutes of cardio every day 45 min on one machine like the treadmill and 30 min on something eelse. My gym offers a variety of cardio equipment so I switch up the combination every day to prevent boredom. I recently got a HRM annd actually use it to challenge myself by staying in my targetrange as long as possible.

    I do the cardio every day along with either a fitness class ( pilates, bootcamp, yoga, etc.) or weight training (2 days a week). Variety is the spice of life!
  • I started working out about a week and a half ago on the elliptical. I started at 28 minutes with 5 minutes for cool down. After the second day I was up to 4 1/2 miles going twice a day. I told my daughter how far I had gone and she walked 1/2 mile farther that evening. The next day I was at 5 miles when she asked me how far I had gone and she told me that competition is healthy. I did 6 1/2 miles that day. Today, one week later, I did 12 miles over three workout sessions. I just couldn't stop. Having some competition and/or a workout partner that is willing to push me a little further is awesome.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I try to find an elliptical that near the hottest guy in the gym and glance at him every few minutes, trying not to make it to obvious. Seriously though, it does help me focus when I can see other peoples bodies and strive to be in that same category. I'm lucky because my gym has a ton of young, hot looking men, and they ignore me because I'm "middle aged" .... Little do they know. HA.

    BTW, RCKT82 - your after picture is Way hot. :-)
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i usually keep in mind something my fav workout trainer said "if you dont push yourself each and every time you do a workout anything that your doing is just a warm up"

    every time i think about this i push myself harder you have got to get that heart rate up and make it a challenge each and every time you workout,
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