i gained it all back :/

Back in Jan, I lost close to 20 lbs and was at my lowest weight (143). I just weighed myself and I gained almost every single pound back. I feel like I have failed myself. I was so happy and confident at 143 and now im 160. Thats disgusting and I feel like crap now.


  • magpie8402
    magpie8402 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm very sorry that you feel this way. What happened or changed in your life that allowed you to do this?
  • Pink_turnip
    Pink_turnip Posts: 280 Member
    I did that too but with 40 lbs.
    The way I see it, I'm not happy about gaining it back, but I know I can lose it again. This time I WILL keep it off too.
  • garysbrew
    garysbrew Posts: 6 Member
    You can do it again... Just read what you wrote in your signature line!!
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    Get back on the wagon! Don't give up on yourself, figure out where you went wrong and start again. I think it's safe to say most of us have been there before. You just have to brush your self off and learn from your mistakes. Good luck! You did it before, you can do it again!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Would you talk that way to a friend who lost weight & then re-gained it? I bet not. I know it's easier said than done, but you should treat yourself with at least the kindness that you would treat your friends.

    Please also try to think about what you can learn from your own history. I don't believe in failure unless you stop trying. I also believe we can learn from EVERY mistake we make, if we look hard enough.

  • krichins
    krichins Posts: 2
    You got this girl. I fell off the wagon too, lol, but we lost it once and we will get it off again. Let's just remember how sucky it feels to be back to where we started and be more diligent in making choices that will keep us on track. Here's to us.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    then if you want to, do it again! you've done it before. today is the 1st day of the rest of your life, and all that stuff.
    but don't be too down on yourself. we learn from our mistakes- think of it as a learning curve!
  • clw104
    clw104 Posts: 2
    It is frustrating to gain the weight back but don't be too discouraged. Just start over again. No one is perfect and it is a daily struggle. Don't give up on yourself and take it one day at a time.
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    I hope you continued to exercise and eat right after you lost the 20 pounds. Losing the pounds isn't what makes us healthy, it's being healthy that keeps off the pounds. You have to do it everyday. My philosophy is that exercise has to be enjoyable if I'm going to stick with it. And I never deprive myself of food, I simply eat less or more mindfully. That means tracking my calories and exercise and making sure my net is where it should be at the end of the day. Sometimes I'll be over, sometimes under, and sometimes I take a week off from exercise. Breaks are good. But I always pick back up on my usual routine because I worked so hard to get here and I feel so good here...so full of energy. You can get back there again. Be patient with yourself and recommit to being healthy.
  • katie_on_a_mission
    Hey there! I think you'll find that this site is really helpful. You WILL get back to 143 if you track your food an exercise every day and hit your calorie goals. Once you get back to 143 (or whatever goal you choose), you can still use this site to maintain that weight, and then you won't find yourself in this situation again. This is all in your hands and you can do it! And it won't even take that long :)

    Just one little thing I'd like to add-- I think we all need to be careful about talking about our weight being "disgusting" etc. Other people are reading that you're at 160 lbs and thinking, "Dang! If that's disgusting, what the hell am I??" We need to try to be sensitive. I know it's hard when we're down on ourselves, but let's keep our chins up!

    Good luck!
  • latronseya
    latronseya Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the same boat! I hate being in this place, but I will never give up, and neither should you. Please do not let this setback discourage you, from losing it again; just try to learn from your mistakes. I wish you luck!
  • Kcmohawk
    Kcmohawk Posts: 12
    Keep on TRuckin!!!!!!!!
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    You've got this! Just remember it is a lifestyle change! Keep on pushing on and don't look back!
  • SherryHam
    SherryHam Posts: 7
    You're not the only one. I've been up and down a number of times, and I'm now at my highest weight ever - 50 pounds over my former panic weight. All I can say is, we've both done it before, so we know we can do it again. Let's hope we can learn to stick with a program for life!
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Don't beat up on yourself. Know that today is a great day to get back on track.
  • houseofpeas
    :happy: You can do it!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    bJust one little thing I'd like to add-- I think we all need to be careful about talking about our weight being "disgusting" etc. Other people are reading that you're at 160 lbs and thinking, "Dang! If that's disgusting, what the hell am I??" We need to try to be sensitive. I know it's hard when we're down on ourselves, but let's keep our chins up!

    Good luck!

    unfortunately that was the first thing that caught my eye...160 is my goal weight. I feel great about my weight loss until people start talking about being disgusting at certain weights and I think...geez...do they know how much I weigh? :(
  • jhamlin6668
    jhamlin6668 Posts: 23 Member
    I feel your pain. I lost 150 lbs. with weight loss surgery and in 9 years regained 110. Doesn't matter what the number is though. Five or fifty - it is equally devastating. You've done a great thing for yourself by joining up. I've got your back!! Julie
  • jhamlin6668
    jhamlin6668 Posts: 23 Member
    I feel your pain. I lost 150 lbs. with weight loss surgery and in 9 years regained 110. Doesn't matter what the number is though. Five or fifty - it is equally devastating. You've done a great thing for yourself by joining up. I've got your back!! Julie
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    bJust one little thing I'd like to add-- I think we all need to be careful about talking about our weight being "disgusting" etc. Other people are reading that you're at 160 lbs and thinking, "Dang! If that's disgusting, what the hell am I??" We need to try to be sensitive. I know it's hard when we're down on ourselves, but let's keep our chins up!

    Good luck!

    unfortunately that was the first thing that caught my eye...160 is my goal weight. I feel great about my weight loss until people start talking about being disgusting at certain weights and I think...geez...do they know how much I weigh? :(

    Its not really the number. I'm sure if you guys lost 25 lbs only to gain it back, regardless of how much you weight, it'd be equally devastating. I'm not trying to hurt other peoples feelings and sure I could've used a different word. I'm just down on myself because I was at my goal and I lost control.