How does one calcluate this??

Ok. I am training for a half marathon, which makes me more than a little crazy, since I am a chubby girl pretending to be an athlete, but I am already signed up, so let's see where it goes.

I am trying to log my excercise into MFP and am confused on how I would do Jogging @ 5mph pace AND Pushing a Stroller with Child. It doubles my "time" of working out. and i am thinking that the 'stroller' already takes walking into account when they calculate the calorie totals. I'm not walking, I am running (kinda.) AND pushing a stroller with a 35 lb kid in it. Those of you that have run both with and without know there is an exponential difference in the effort output when adding a stroller with a chunky 20 month old.

Ideas? Help.


  • searbear1980
    searbear1980 Posts: 110
    Bump I would like to know this too.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Couple of things…

    First off, congrats on signing up for the HM. Which one did you sign up for? Since you're up in WA, it probably won't be the HM in San Diego in August — I just signed up for that one myself.

    Insofar as exercise, if you can't find it here on MFP, maybe you could find it somewhere else on the Web and then enter a value in both activities.

    One way to deal with this is to get a heart rate monitor. I just bought a Forerunner 305 and it's superb. I got it on Amazon, here:

    I have a Polar FT40. It's better suited for weight loss than it is for running so I don't use it anymore.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    ATT949: Thanks! I signed up for The Girlfriend's Half Marathon in Vancouver, WA. This will be my second time doing it. The first time was right after having my son...and I was 175 lb...not so after having my daughter. Not that they aren't worth it, but my goodness. They are bunch of work to raise, you would think the weight loss would come from chasin' 'em. :)

    Anyway, I think I will look for another calculator on the web and input it here. That is a great idea and I am a little ashamed I didn't think of it myself.

    Thanks again.