Martinis, or lack thereof

Hello all,
I have a fondness for a well made dirty vodka martini. My honey makes them really well, too. I've been half assed at watching my food and working out all up until this past Monday. I've been logging in every day, tracking all my food and working out like a beast. I also haven't had a drink all week, which is fine. (Although it's Friday night and it sure would be nice to have one, but I think I'll pass on the empty calories) My problem is I can't seem to get a good night's sleep. I've been having trouble falling asleep, and if I wake during the night it takes me at least an hour to fall back to sleep. WTF?? I know alcohol can keep you from sleeping well, trust me, I know this, but lack thereof? Could this have something to do with it? Thoughts?


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Before starting this weight loss journey, I had a glass or two of wine almost every night. It helped me relax and sleep. Now I only have wine at most, once a week (on the weekends). It took me about a month before I was able to fall asleep on my own without drinking the wine, so yes, I think not drinking plays a big part in not sleeping well if you're used to drinking more often. Give it some time and you should be able to regulate your sleep a little better.
  • Opusarlo
    Opusarlo Posts: 53
    I have read a lot of studies regarding this. It is one of the first things you are warned about and medicated for when you go from any sort of lifestyle including alcohol to one of tee-totalling. There is strong evidence to support poor sleep while adjusting. that is whay I have melatonin in my medicine cabinet.
  • msjeannettea
    msjeannettea Posts: 18 Member
    Wow... my friend and I hit up Happy Hour yesterday and i downed about (3) Gin Dirty Martinis... the sodium content is off the charts!
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    Thanks you guys, I'll hang in there. Last night was a bit better. And msjeannettea, I never even thought about all that sodium! Hey, Opusarlo, tell me more about melatonin.