
I have been dieting now for 6 weeks and so far have lost 12lbs! I eat way below my recommended daily calorie intake (according to this site) and thought i would have at least lost 14lbs by now!! I started off losing 4-5lbs a week but the last 2 weeks i've lost 2lbs! I have been over on my protein intake though most days, would this make a difference!?
I try to exercise at least 3 times a week using the wii fit, i have an active job looking after Toddlers 5 days a week so its not as if i'm sat on my backside all day either.. :)
So, what i'm really trying to say is, is 2lbs a week the average weight loss or should this be more?? :)


  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    I know you don't want to hear this but...

    2lbs a week is the most you should try to lose. Your weight loss is slowing down, I suspect, because your body has had enough of being starving. To sustain your weight loss you will either need to exercise more or eat less OR take the sensible long term approach that most of us adopt here and eat enough food - good food, not junk - to help your body lose slowly and sensibly to keep the weight off for good. Eating 'way below the recommended daily calorie intake' will put you on a road to crash dieting, putting the weight on and the cycle continues.

    It is even more important, with an active job, to eat enough to fuel your weight loss!

    Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear - and you can expect to stop losing weight for a few weeks as your body adjusts once you do start to do it the sensible long term way if you choose to do that - but your body will thank you for it. Do you want to be on a diet every few months for years or do you want to sort it out now for good?

    Best of luck.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    2lb a week is awesome! Don't be disappointed in that.
    I've found in the past that the quicker I've lost weight - the quicker I've put it back on plus more. Slowly does it ....

  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    2Lb is a good steady loss hun, If you go much higher than that you risk loosing muscle and thats not a good thing!
    I do agree you should probably eat more. I'm gonna check and see if your diary is open, maybe someone can help more.mAlso make sure you drink alot of water! water helps to loose weight and is very good for you!
  • sarahlou442
    I do eat good healthy food it just seemed that the calorie intake was high, but i realise now its to suit my weight.. for someone who hasnt bothered about doing anything about my weight before its a huge change in lifestyle for me! And I do exercise.. I was looking for honest advice but gee wizz, any need to be so harsh?
    I am extremely thankfull of the weight i have lost so far, and after reading many articles i now know i'm on the right track with things but perhaps next time before you comment, you should think about how you word things!

    Thanks for the support guys, i know i struggle with water intake, i've always drank very little anyway.. what is the recommended intake for water? I'm lucky to have 2 glasses, if that!

    That would be great if you could look over my diary, i havent changed any settings so it should be accessible to all! I'm currently doing the slim fast diet, i have redeuced the morning slim fast and looking to cut out the lunch one soon because i have read that its not good for long term dieting, its just i'm so worried about what to eat all the time...