Help!! Cauliflower and Cottage Cheese is Gross! :(

Mskbrewington Posts: 13
edited 10:20AM in Recipes
I am new to this and I like to chow on yummy stuff. I am working my way to the alfalfa-bran-tofu type lifestyle but I want to get my feet wet before diving into these "acquired" tastes.
I am trying two new things this week.
Friends I challenge you: I need a recipe for cauliflower and/or cottage cheese that will not make me gag. I like broccoli but cauliflower scares me.. and there is nothing on earth I have seen or read that has made cottage cheese appealing. I've tried the fruit and breakstones (barf) and I'm skeptical about these jello+cottage recipes. I think with both I am afraid of the texture more than the taste. Please help! :frown:


  • X_Bex_X
    X_Bex_X Posts: 14
    uggghhh cottage cheese sends me funny just thinking about it - I never want to go near cottage cheese again - the texture and smell is awful!! But would it be nice with jacket potatoe and salad as a lunch thing? ....
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    Cauliflower is really good if you used it implace of mashed potatoes... for example, boil it then mass it and add lowfat sour cream to it with some chives... or inplace of the sourcream use greek yogurt(plain)... YUM!!! you could add a bit of farlic to for extra flavor.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Why specifically cottage cheese and cauliflower? If both make you gag, there are loads more healthy foods out there :wink:

    Tell us what you DO like and I'm sure we can come up with something...
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I make cauliflower like mashed potato. I mix it up with a hand mixer, little milk and some butter. Even my kids like it!
    No advice about the cottage cheese though. I mix a little paprika with mine and love it anyway.
  • _Jessica_
    _Jessica_ Posts: 216 Member
    Cottage cheese is good with french or western dressing on it... or you could make a baked potatoe and put the cottage cheese on top and mash it in implace of sour cream... this is tasty too! dont forget to add a bit of pepper! good luck!
  • That I can do!
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I have an awesome recipe that I use to roast cauliflower and I always think it comes out great. One head of Cauliflower, cut in to florets. Place in a pan and spray with cooking spray. Roast at 275 for 20 min. Take out of oven and toss with 2 tbsp of low sodium soy sauce, some onion powder and garlic powder. Return to oven and roast for another 20 min.
  • Why specifically cottage cheese and cauliflower? If both make you gag, there are loads more healthy foods out there :wink:

    Tell us what you DO like and I'm sure we can come up with something...

    Gotta try something new. I'm already down with brussel sprouts and asparagus. These were the next two appealing things on the list lol its not that I dont like them Its that I am afraid of them being icky.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I add raw cauliflower and cottage cheese to salads. But I do not use the low fat cottage cheese. I enjoy the full fat and just account for it. I also add hommus to a salad along with raw broccoli.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Steamed cauliflower with a bit of nutmeg, YUM! My Mom always steamed cauliflower and with the cauliflower water she made a rue and mixed it into the cauliflower. As for cottage cheese, I LOVE the stuff and can eat it a curd at a time. (I like squishing them between my teeth :laugh: )
  • "Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most." ~ unknown

    Liking this..
  • You'd have to google a recipe for it, but Aloo Gohbi (an Indian dish) is incredibly delicious and involves cauliflower and potatoes. Highly, highly recommend it! (I was this same way about many things because my parents did a horrible job of raising me properly. Yogurt was something I forced myself to try and I ended up really enjoying it! You'll get over this bump, I promise. By the way, any generic bran flakes cereal with bananas is a nice break through for that flavor. Bran is actually lightly sweet and quite tasty! Bran muffins are lovely!)
    Good Luck!
  • Reptileszz
    Reptileszz Posts: 47 Member
    Nobody says you have to eat cauliflower OR cottage cheese. Eat something you do like.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    You should try cottage cheese pancakes (taken from

    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    4 egg whites

    Blend these ingredients and cook the batter the way you would small pancakes. They are high in protein and fiber and low in fat and calories. Perfect combo!

  • Rachaelworld
    Rachaelworld Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there,

    I like nyummy food too, and the idea, of eating things that aren't is what stopped me from trying to diet up until recently. The thing with vegetables is don't overcook them, or they will generally look and taste unappealing. Try and steam everything if you can, it doesn't take any longer, and you get more of the nutrients and they look and taste better.
    And also, try to remember to "eat the rainbow", ie have as many colours in your meals as possible, so therefore you won't end up getting bored, there will be a lot of different colour, texture and taste so it's more interesting and better for you. To make life easier, you can do things like cut up your broccoli or cauliflower into florets and just use some of it, and store the rest ready to add to a meal later in the week. It means you are doing a lot of prep on one day, but then you will benefit from easy prep for the rest of the week. If you store your veg after washing in a plastic bag lined with paper towel, they last longer. The paper towel absorbs the excess water, stops the veg from getting mushy but also stops it from drying out.

    With cauliflower, it likes stronger flavours. It is actually really tasty raw and used to dip into hummus or in a slad, as long as the florets aren't too big. But I steam it and mash it with sauteed onion or raw finely chopped chives, and lots and lots of cumin.

    Instead of dairy or butter, use a wee bit of olive oil, and some chicken or vegetable stock (if you have boiled the cauliflower in salted water you can just use some of that) but not too much, you don't want it to go sloppy. And then at the last minute add lots of freshly ground black pepper (there is a compound in fresh ground black pepper that aids vitamin absorption, so you should try and add it to everything just before you eat it) If you aren't being too strict on the low fat side, before you do the cauliflower, in a non stick pan, don't add oil but fry up some small pieces of SMOKED bacon, drain on paper towel, and mix in with cauliflower when mashing it.
    Or you can also make a nice cauliflower and cumin soup (thick puree style soup) and even add some butter beans to it for extra oomph.
    Otherwise just steam the florets and toss in a wee bit of extra virgin olive oil, with a couple of cloves of fresh garlic (very good for your immune system, and don't worry about anyone else complaining about the smell, they're just being selfish!) VERY finely, chopped, fresh ground black pepper and salt (preferably sea salt as there are good minerals in there), and fresh lemon juice squeezed over to taste. Or steam and plunge immediately into COLD water to stop the cooking process and retain the colour and texture, and add to any salad (again, you can steam all your cauliflower or whatever in one go, and then store in a an airtight container in the fridge and add to salads over the next few days, or add to a stir fry at the last minute to heat through, saves time).

    Other than that, here is a link for a load of other healthy cauliflower recipes;

    With the cottage cheese, firstly, have you tried Quark? It might be hard to find, you may have to try a deli or other specialty food shop, but it is delicious, almost NO FAT, and very high in protein. You can make it sweet or savoury in the same way as cottage cheese really.
    Anyway, with either Quark or cottage cheese, add finely chopped chives, lots of fresh black pepper and salt, spread on low carb Ryvita Crackerbreads or dip carrot and bell pepper sticks in. You can also add finely diced cucumber and fresh mint. If you like sundried tomatoes, add some made into a paste (try not to include much oil if they come in oil, maybe drain on a kitchen towel first). I also have it in the morning on a low carb cracker ting, with either some low or no sugar fruit spread (apricot or raspberry is nyummy, or I eat it with a spoon, with a teeny bit of REAL maple syrup and maybe some fresh cherries as they are in season right now, or some blueberries or melon or anything like that. And that bran you were talking about, you can add it (toasted is tastier) to the cottage cheese, with some sesame and pumpkin seeds as well, you'll be so busy noticing the xtra crunchiness that you won't notice the texture of the cheese.
    Also, finally, if you can't find Quark and the cottage cheese texture is still creeping you out, I have heard that some people stick the cottage cheese in a blender which breaks down the curds and makes it smoother. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard it helps some people.

    Anyway, good luck with it :happy:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    i personally stay away from both when I can .....what about plain yogurt and fresh fruit ..why the cottage cheese if you dont like it? and as for cauliflower ...there are tons of veggies you can have instead...if you torture and force yourself your likely to get bored ,frustrated and not finish your goals...Im sure tons of people here eat plenty of things I hate but there is no way Im gonna force it...
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    You should try cottage cheese pancakes (taken from

    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    4 egg whites

    Blend these ingredients and cook the batter the way you would small pancakes. They are high in protein and fiber and low in fat and calories. Perfect combo!


    This looks great! I need to try it!
  • You should try cottage cheese pancakes (taken from

    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    4 egg whites

    Blend these ingredients and cook the batter the way you would small pancakes. They are high in protein and fiber and low in fat and calories. Perfect combo!


    Oooh I like how that sounds! I :heart:: pancakes :) thanks
  • Thank you guys this helps! I like to try new things rather than just stick with the same old staples, who knows maybe these can be delicious after all. I have gone grocery shopping and will post pics of the recipes I try :)
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