More questions about C25K...

petithamu Posts: 582 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, sorry if this topic has been discussed but I couldn't really find answers to my questions so...

I started on Friday and so far I've only done 2 days of it but I'm really proud to say I am liking it considering how much I hate running...

A few questions:

- How do I determine the distance? So far I've just been listening to my iPod following the instruction. The whole thing takes 31 minutes like the app says but I have no idea how far I've actually run. Do I need to buy the GPS option to do this?

- Speed. I also don't know my pace. How is everyone calculating their pace?

I think those are the only two I can think of right now...I'm sure I'll have more as I continue...

Any other tips you can give to a non-runner doing this program would be awesome! Thanks!


  • Kayamooh
    Kayamooh Posts: 45 Member
    I use the website "" You can tell it how long you ran for and input the route you took, and it calculates the distance and average pace!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I just paid the extra 59p and let the App do all the work for me! It's a small price to pay, particularly as I am keen to support small IOS developers!

    I was just reading your blog - I remember that feeling of running uphill into the wind during W1! I promise you that from W3 it gets easier. Running for longer distances/time is easier than all the stopping and starting - honest! My partner and I got up to W5D1 but then we dropped back a couple of weeks to allow our friend to catch up with us. We're now on W4 again, and looking forward to getting back to W5!

    Good luck with the programme - do send me a friend request if you want some extra support or a chat or anything!
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    search for a free gps app on your iphone, I think theres one called all terrain GPS but don't hold it to me. Or go to and you can map out a run in your neighborhood and it'll tell you how long it is and you enter in your time and it gives you your pace.
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