I'm so devastated...

I finally came to that point in my life that I was determined to make a change. I got my gym membership, I got motivated and I found MFP! It's a slow process, I was losing about 1 lbs a week and happy with that, especially since I've hit double digits. I tried Zumba with a friend and really enjoyed it and had another friend invite me to competition badminton. This is not your garden variety-Saturday BBQ-badminton. They take it really serious! So as I am getting tips and pointers and slowly getting the hang of it I was running back to hit a shot and BAM bottom half of my leg went one way, top half the other.

A trip to the emergency room got me one brace, one set of crutches and an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon next week. I was sitting in the waiting room crying, my husband asked if it hurt that bad and I said yes but it's not why i'm crying. I am so afraid of putting that 10 lbs back on and starting all over again! I am currently confined to the bed for 3 days, trying to get the swelling to go down just so I can put my leg down. I can't drink as much water as I need to because going down the hall to the bathroom is a nightmare.

I'm trying to becareful of what I am eating, still measuring portions and such, but hubby, bless him, is a terrible cook. He went to the store for dinner ideas and got ground beef and a taco kit. No tomatoes, no lettuce, nothing just shells and beef.

How do I keep myself mentally on track. I worry that I will lose my drive by the time I'm able to move about. I am in tears now just thinking about it. Please someone whose been there, I need to hear it's going to be okay...


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Bless your heart! Hope you get better soon. Remember this is a life long journey so you have time to do this. Try to make good choices and get better so you can continue with exercising and eating right.
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Time to take a breather.....you can recuperate and still do fine! Give yourself a break..you're trying to heal. Just take it easy and relax so your leg gets better. Try and eat as healthy as you can given the circumstances (I completely understand). Maybe work a little on upper body strength, or get one on those bicycle pedal exercisers for your arms while you're:flowerforyou: laid up (try a medical supply store). Keep working your good leg too so you don't get any blood clots. The recovery might take some time, but this isn't the time to be truing to lose weight. This is the time to recuperate and recover. The motivation will be there when you feel better. Plus.. you'll have all of us cheering you on!!! Don't weigh in for a while, just focus on getting better while just being as healthy as possible for a while.. you'll be surprised how well you do!! Trust yourself!
  • ronniesgirl1982
    Oh no! I don't really know what to say I can see why you are understandably devasted! Try to stay positive though because I'm sure if you continue to eat right you won't put the weight back on. I wish you luck and a speedy recovery!
  • rcm724
    rcm724 Posts: 7
    I spent this weekend on bedrest. Sprained my lower back :( worst part, like you said, trying to get down the hall to use the bathroom! :( not fun.

    I am up and walking for exercise now so Im happy about that. I was able to lower my calorie intake since I was barely moving. I dont have anyone to help around the house which is good and bad. Only had items I had bought... the healthy stuff....

    Suggestion: take this time to have a real heart to heart with your hubby, and get his participation in your fit life higher. He needs to be able to buy foods that will help keep you on track. You guys can do it, teamwork!

    Good luck and get well soon!
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your injury! I haven't been through it myself (but given that I run quite a lot, some sort of injury is likely) but I do believe that you'll pull through. Your fear of giving up is actually a good sign. Remember that losing weight is 80% food and 20% exercise. So, maybe you've lost that 20%... it's temporary. Also, with 60+ lbs left to lose, you're bound to continue losing weight without significant exercise as long as you control your food intake. Yes, you will have to eat less (if you were eating back your exercise calories). However, you might be able to continue doing upper body strength training. i.e., dumbell curls etc. which only exercise your arms and shoulders.

    Don't be too mortified - you'll be fine in the end. I'm going to send you a friend request because I want to know how you get on :flowerforyou:
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    I am sorry you got hurt :( Just try to remember how hard you worked to lose that 10lbs and always keep that in mind. Also there are a lot of exercises you can do just sitting. Granted it won't be a full body work out, but it is better than nothing. I think one of them is called shadow boxing...I think. Maybe research sitting exercises. Good luck!!!
  • charlottebronte
    You poor girl! Perhaps you could write the grocery list for your husband, including lots of fresh fruits and veggies. He could buy some boiled eggs and cooked chicken at the grocery store so he wouldn't have to cook. Keep in mind, your body needs plenty of good calories to enable mending and healing. All the best to you!
  • nph1960
    nph1960 Posts: 57 Member
    You can get through this! Continue to log your calories during your recovery time. Do they have salad bars at the grocery stores like they do here in the US? Maybe hubby can bring home a nice, big salad to go along with the tacos and such. Spend your time doing some isometrics, once you are not in so much pain. And do lots of reading - here, on the internet, and maybe order a few books or health magazine - to stay really motivated. Finally, stay connected here on MFP. Amanda is right: this is a life-long journey, not a race. You can do this!!!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Awww, so sorry! :flowerforyou: I recently hurt my knee while running and was feeling really bummed about it b/c I was finally losing weight. Do what you can while your leg is out of commission...every little bit helps. You can still do some cardio by
    "boxing" while seated, dumb bells and even walking with crutches (it's under the exercise section and actually burns a good number of calories, I found out when I was on crutches for a week!) Hang in there and be careful with your eating. Maybe write a specific list for your husband with raw veggies, hummus for protein and a big pack of chicken breasts for some good protein. Hope you heal up quickly!
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Thanks everyone, this is the motivation I need. I feel as though I painted by hubby in an unflattering light. He did bring me my favorite salad for lunch, a bunch of fruit and healthy snacks. He was just trying to think of something he knew how to cook that the kids would eat. He supports me 100% on this journey and I am lucky to have him on my team. I guess I need to teach him how to cook!

    I am going to google sitting exercises now, I don't have weights but I am sure we have a couple of cans of something in the cupboard I can use. I plan on spending lots of time here at MFP, thank you all so much. xxx
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Sorry to hear about your accident.

    Since you are confined to bed for a few days maybe you could come up with a meal plan and a grocery list to help hubby out.

  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    I'm so sorry and i understand your frustration. I had something like this happen to me last year around the same time of year. At a friends house didn't see a step up and tripped landed right on my knees on hardwood floor. I couldn't really walk around for awhile and I was embarassed and ticked because I was JUST getting into the groove of working out.

    Everything peeps has said above is great advice. Here is a little more just from someone who has been laid up like that for over a month or so...you are taking pain meds most likely, please drink as much fluid as you can or you will get constipated from the pain meds: they tend to dehydrate you and that is very uncomfortable on top of everything else you are going through. Maybe start taking a probiotic or make sure you get lots of fiber. I found that eating was not top on my list as the pain meds made me nauseous and not very hungry.

    Again with exercise basically what peeps said above. You can do upper body strength training, do some boxing moves once you feel better you can work up a good heart rate and get a cardio workout in without having to use your lower body. And you'll find moving around on the crutches is a pretty good workout on it's own. :)

    I agree with having a serious discussion with your husband about your food needs right now. Even soup is better than a box of tacos. :) My guy is like that too and he's so sweet that he would get me anything I wanted and I caved quickly to "crappy"/ "comfort food". His help and support will help you alot and keep you focused.

    Mostly, just do what you can don't give into "comfort foods" and you'll do better than you think! Plus, you can always come and vent here!

    Quick and healthy healing,
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    train your husband :) Make out a food list of healthy foods to eat.

    While you will be "up" for a bit, have him buy you som free weigths at Target I would say between 2-5lbs weights, Do some research on some upper body workouts, anything to burn those calories :)

    Then when you can do Rehab for your leg work that stuff into your routine. here are some suggestions:




    Stay focused, you can still eat healthy and work out with a bad leg.... you jsut need to adjust like with everything in life...

    Adapt and overcome!
  • MissConfidence
    Hey teammate! I saw your post and just wanted to add a little something to the already great advice and support you've received... A couple of months ago I started the 30DS and was committed and focused on doing the entire 30 days non-stop. Day 14 I hurt my ankle bad. Couldn't put any weight on it, no walking... I was upset because I was going really strong. The first couple of days I was so angry that I didn't do anything but eat a lot. Not even terrible food, but just mountains of anything hubby made. Gained a few pounds... I then realized that I am only making a crappy situation worse. I was still more than able to do upper body exercises, and definitely could still log my calories! Once I realized that my own emotions of being upset, sad, and frankly pissed, were getting in my way - and not my injury - I changed focus. And got better, and even stronger in my upper body. This is the only thing I can stress - is making something good come out of something unplanned - and not fun. You have the strength, the smarts, and the power to get through this! You've already made the mental change in your mind, and to me, this is the hardest part! I hope you are all better really soon!
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hey redfroggie

    How you feeling today? I've ruptured both my ankles so I can related to what your going through and its bloody tough. I had to feel sorry for myself for a bit before I could get back on track then I found "solutions" plus I needed to give my body a chance to recover.

    My boyfriend at the time was an enabler; he would just gave me junk food even when I didn't ask for it so I started to order groceries online that way I could control what would be available.

    The "toilet run" became an exercise opportunity - I spend most of the day down stairs - toilet upstairs so I moved about on my hands up & down the stairs - they got pretty strong pretty quickly. :wink:

    Feel better soon :flowerforyou: try not to do too much too quickly - listen to your body it will tell you when its time. Good luck!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    Just thought I'd let you know that I sprained my wrist and now I'm looking for advice on how to keep working my upper body, while giving it a rest a bit.