Does anyone else lose motivation at dinner time? How to fix

Every morning I wake up totally motivated to make healthy eating choices. I start my day off with a really healthy breakfast, I manage to stay on the healthy path all day long...until dinner time! I'm tired of making excuses and I know that there is NO excuse, but by the time I get out of work I'm exhausted and just do not feel like cooking sometimes! Resorting to "eating out"... for example, Last night I had a really healthy dinner planned. Grilled chicken with grilled zucchini and home made sweet potato wedges. I walked in the door and my husband and I decided to go to the diner. Still, not really a big deal. There ARE healthy choices at the diner. So WHY did I choose to order pancakes!?

Does anyone else experience this lack of motivation later in the day? How do you keep yourself on track? I know how badly I want to loose weight and after I'm done eating I feel so awful/disgusting. I wake up every morning thinking "today is a new day" but the new day turns into the same old day. I'm not learning from my mistakes. I need help with this. (I have to note that I do not eat like this every day, and there are days that I stick with my healthy planned meals...but I make these mistakes frequently enough so that they're sabotaging my attempts to loose this weight!)