American food choices



  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I actually feel lucky to be in the UK, I've travelled the world a lot of the past few years, including living in te US for over a year and an extended stay in Thailand and we really do have the best choice in fresh fruit and vegetables. Our fresh produce aisle is so varied and so fresh! It is expensive considering it doesn't keep well but the choice is there!

    I also find with our staples, like bread and butter, are far less artificial. I lost a lot of weight in te US because their chocolate/bread/cakes etc. were just far too sweet so I cut them out of my diet completely and they were the things that made me fat in the UK! It was odd to be eating a ham sandwich and have it taste like dessert by the time you were finished chewing!

    Also, random things like oats... Our 'prepackaged' oats have like, 2-3 ingredients, US ones have about 15!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I don't know. When I travelled to Germany for 3 weeks, I gained weight. A significant amount.