Frustrated and Need Help!

debski9949 Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I need some suggestions, please!

I have lost a total of 40 pounds and seem to be stalled. I got down to 136 then over one week, not changing anything, I bounced up to 140 and now I cannot seem to get those added pounds back off.

Here is what I am doing. Any ideas or suggestions on changes to make to get these pesky pounds off would be appreciated!

I am eating between 1200-1400 calories per day
Only whole foods; no processed foods. Rarely eat out.
Taking Multi-vitamin, Magnesium, potassium, calcium, fish oil, ginko, CoQ10 supplements daily, 5 prunes per day.
Working out 5 days a week (about 8 hours a week) doing brisk walking (3.5-4.0 mph), weight training and yoga/pilates.
I drink 3-4 liters of pure water per day. (no sodas or anything like that)
Try yo keep my nutritional balance at 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fats per day. (lean meats in 3-4oz portions, the rest are fruits and veggies.)

I just can't seem to shake these 3-4 lbs. I am trying to get down to 135 and am really frustrated. Anyone out there have some suggestions?

Thanks everyone!


  • You might be in the plateau phase..your doing great! dont stop though! Soon itll pass and you will be where u want to be!
  • Hang in there, Platues are no fun, but you will break through...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How tall are you? Do you look fit? Could you be at your healthy weight?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You may be at the weight your body is comfy in...also switch up/make the exercise more intense. Start to jog instead of walk in intervals...or if you're like me and walking/jogging bores you to tears try some group exercise classes. They saved my life. Every pound I've lost I owe them. They kept exercise fun, and different...I also made some best friends out of it. Maybe get a HRM too. They make a huge difference. HTH!
  • reegordon
    reegordon Posts: 97 Member
    I think we've all been there and can relate. When I hit my plateau, I got frustrated and didnt work out for two days straight (which never happens). I stuck to the same eating pattern but I did treat myself to one of my favorite foods that I hadn't had in a while. A week later, I was losing weight again. I guess my body needed a little bit of a break because it had become accustomed to my normal routine. Maybe you should mix it up a little bit and see if that helps. Best wishes!!!!!!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I agree with the previous posters -- your body is close to your goal weight and it's probably getting comfy. My body plateaus every 9 pounds or so.

    Have you tried zig-zagging your calories? This (in addition to mixing up exercise) has helped me break mine.
  • Thanks, y'all.
    Ok...I cannot jog/run because of some back/neck issues, but I do regularly change up my walking routine. I do intervals of faster/slower speeds (up to 4.5 mph), intervals with incline and decline (up to 11 incline). I often use the various programs on the treadmill to change it up, and I walk to and from the gym which is about 3 miles round trip on a fairly flat surface. I also have short rest times between reps when I am doing weight training to keep my heart rate up.

    I also do yoga, pilates, PiYo, and high impact pilates - all are group classes.

    I will occasionally work in cupcake or fro-yo with fruit as treats, but it is infrequent. I do that to shock the metabolism and just for general well being. :smile:

    I guess the reason I am so frustrated is that I had lost the pounds before and they just came back out of nowhere! So I know I can get there because I have been there before; I just cannot seem to get back there no matter what I do. I have even tried cutting my carbs down wayyy low, but realized that is not the healthy way to do it.

    I will keep at it; hopefully these pounds will go away! I have just 35 days to be beach ready! :smile:

    Thanks everyone!
  • collymorels
    collymorels Posts: 1 Member
    When you are doing your brisk walk crank up your speed for 45 seconds to 1 minute. I read a great book on boosting metabolism and this was a suggestion that has worked for me. I jog at about a 4.2 and every 10 to 15 minutes I up my speed to about a 5.5 for a minute. It has made a big difference.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I cannot jog/run because of some back/neck issues...

    Can you manage an elliptical? They can get you up in the same burn range as jogging without all the pounding on your joints.
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