Hi guys :-)

mags1x Posts: 3 Member
well am a newbie, was given this link by a friend and its a great site, I am really surprised at finding it is free!

hmm about me, well 35 yrs old, scottish, 6 yr old daughter, need to lose loads of weight and get fitter

nice to be here



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Hi! I'm new too but this set-up really seems to work (I see people on here who have lost a LOT of weight :))
  • mariasheehan
    mariasheehan Posts: 335
    Welcome, I love Scottish people, I wish I could hear your accent :-) I'm Irish, but living in the States for the last two years, I've been on this site for almost 1 year now and it's wonderful. Please feel free to add me if you'd like some help or motivation :-) great to have you here, best of luck on your weight loss mission !!!!!
  • mags1x
    mags1x Posts: 3 Member
    yeah it does look like a great site, loads of useful tools! I have already recommended it to a friend.

    Its weird that you love the scottish accent because I love the irish accent haha, perhaps we can swap.
