New To the Community

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully make some MFP friends! I'm 24 years old and from the East Coast, but have lived in California with my sailor husband for the past couple years. 3 days after moving across the country, I was hospitalized for pancreatitis and remained sick for several months. As a result, I developed chronic abdominal pain of unknown origin and was unable to work. Needless to say, after I was able to eat again, I was inactive and not eating nutritiously (on top of a ravenous appetite from steroid treatment!). 18 months later, I've realized I've gained this weight and am ready to make some permanent lifestyle changes.

I've been tracking meals and exercising the past couple months consistently, but still have challenging days (these past two have been some of those). The support on this website is amazing with all the encouragement, healthy recipes, and exercise challenges. I'm really looking forward to talking to people and lending a hand whenever possible! Thank you for reading and hope to talk to some of you soon :)