Ok...help for a newbie?

I'm still in my first week of dieting with the help of MFP and have a few questions.

Is it bad when some of my totals go into the negative red? I'm still trying to figure out what combinations of what work, so I'm paying attention and working on keeping the sugar total in the black, but I see that daily I go over my daily protein goal...just wondering if that's a really bad thing? Can you have too much protein?

Also, since I've started, I've been below my daily caloric intake, not by a lot, 100 give or take a few either way. However, today, I'm over 400 below and I've finished eating for the day. I'm not hungry at all and don't want to force myself to eat so that I'll be closer to my daily caloric goal. With 'starvation mode' being the current dietary scare, I guess I'm looking for some feedback, advice, etc. I'm eating healthy, filling foods (and throw a few not so healthy snacks in there once in a while, lol) which you can see by looking at my diary.

Thanks for any input, suggestions, advice, etc!


  • ElizabethDoesCrossfit
    ElizabethDoesCrossfit Posts: 25 Member
    First of all, if your sugar is in red, and it's because of your fruit intake that's okay! Fruits have natural sugars and those aren't bad. it's just artificial sweeteners and such.
    Protein is also okay to go over in as well!
    As for the "starvation mode" i was worried about that at first too, but it says you COULD be going into it. But it's highly unlikely. If you're working out and still eating less than your daily goal is, that's not good. So when you work out, try to eat back at least half of those calories.

    Hope i've helped!
  • pgullickson
    the protein is actually too low going over your :happy: :happy: protein is fine:) especially to support the lean protein you already have.

    I go over and under on different days. I think it is more of a gauge rather than a hard fast number. I think it just lets you know where you are in your caloric intake. I do not let that number bother me much and try to make up the difference with exercise.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I'm still in my first week of dieting with the help of MFP and have a few questions.

    Is it bad when some of my totals go into the negative red? I'm still trying to figure out what combinations of what work, so I'm paying attention and working on keeping the sugar total in the black, but I see that daily I go over my daily protein goal...just wondering if that's a really bad thing? Can you have too much protein?

    Also, since I've started, I've been below my daily caloric intake, not by a lot, 100 give or take a few either way. However, today, I'm over 400 below and I've finished eating for the day. I'm not hungry at all and don't want to force myself to eat so that I'll be closer to my daily caloric goal. With 'starvation mode' being the current dietary scare, I guess I'm looking for some feedback, advice, etc. I'm eating healthy, filling foods (and throw a few not so healthy snacks in there once in a while, lol) which you can see by looking at my diary.

    Thanks for any input, suggestions, advice, etc!
    Simple formula, burn more than you consume, that's it. Starvation mode? This is one of the biggest most misunderstood things. This happens when you reduce your calories. Yes you will slow down your metabolism. How do you prevent this? exercise speeds up your metabolism. So get that starvation mode thing out of your head. The theory of 1200 calories is starvation mode, does this apply to a 110lbs woman? NO...
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    don't sweat it, you are doing great! if you are significantly over on a consistent basis by say, more than 3-400 calories, then perhaps it is worth re-visiting your eating habits. natural sugars from fruit and unsaturated fats from nuts etc are NOT 'bad' ...but the fats from processed foods are toxic!

    it's okay to be under your intake too but if you are dropping by 2-300 calories, then again you need to add to it or over time, your body will enter the mystique of 'starvation 'mode, but it dosn't happen immediately.

    stick to your exercise plan too...and there are TONS of healthy ways to add calories...nuts, protein shakes etc are all excellent 'fillers'.

    diet, exercise and the whole weight loss thing is a process and is different for different people, don't be afraid to experiment and see what works for you!!!!
  • Pynkklady
    Pynkklady Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's so great to get instant feedback and advice! I think I'm understanding now, but you can bet if I have any more questions, I'll be giving y'all a shout. Thanks again!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Thanks everyone! It's so great to get instant feedback and advice! I think I'm understanding now, but you can bet if I have any more questions, I'll be giving y'all a shout. Thanks again!

    We're here to help. :)