Ready to throw the towel in.....



  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Actually, even on rest days, you should not go under 1200. That's the minimum.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Sometimes it just takes experimenting with different things. Our bodies do become efficient with the changes we make which means that another change is in order from time to time to keep us challenged. I'm glad to hear you are not giving up... but rather trying something new! The next time you plateau (because it will happen), just remember that there is a reason for it. It's just a matter of trying different things to see what your body requires. :)
  • chickielou
    chickielou Posts: 47
    Actually, even on rest days, you should not go under 1200. That's the minimum.

    yea thats what I meant. not going over by too much......:)
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Well, just ignore those who have an easy time of it. As simply, they are not you and you are not them. Unfortunately, for some people it is way too easy.

    I understand your frustration, believe me. It has taken me months to lose 3 kgs. I keep going up and down. You will lose the weight eventually. I'm thinking, possibly and I could be wrong, cause I'm no expert, but your weight loss could be being counteracted with muscle gain. So you are losing, but because muscle weighs more, it seems like you aren't.

    Also, you could try low g.i eating. It's really effective and not very restrictive.

    Keep up the good work. YOU ARE DOING WELL!
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    EAT YOUR FREAKIN' CALORIES!!! There is nothing worse than seeing someone slave away at the gym and then starve themselves...because that's essentially what you are doing if you're eating only 1200 calories a day after exercising that much!

    Your body is so stressed right now that it's holding onto every single bit of fat it's got! If you don't eat more, you will not see results and your skin, hair, organs, etc. will all start showing the evidence of malnutrition.

    If you've set your calorie level at an aggressive state (i.e. 1200 per day), than you need to eat every exercise calorie you burn. And ease up a bit. 45-60 minutes a day of cardio is more than enough to see results. So long as you're drinking ALL your water and eating enough food to fuel your body. Your metabolism is a machine and right now it's running on empty.
  • chickielou
    chickielou Posts: 47
    Thanks, I honestly thought that you only need to have 1200 cals a day and your not required to eat your exercise cals.....i will aim to eat all my cals and most of my exercise cals
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    Thanks, I honestly thought that you only need to have 1200 cals a day and your not required to eat your exercise cals.....i will aim to eat all my cals and most of my exercise cals

    With how hard you are working, once you make that change you WILL see results! It might take a week or so for your body to adjust, so just have patience. :)

    Also, remember that everything you put in your mouth is fuel for your body -- so try to eat as much plant-based, WHOLE foods as possible. No diet this or diet that junk! REAL food is going to make your metabolism rev with energy! Things like quinoa, lean poultry/meats, eggs, oatmeal, fruits, veggies, etc. I love having apple + organic natural peanut butter (no sugar) for a snack, oatmeal with slivered almonds and dried cranberries for breakfast, salads for lunch or dinner and a fried (in coconut oil) egg topped with avocado, warmed up black beans and salsa, sauteed red onions, and fresh cilantro for breakfast! Just some ideas!

    You need a good blend of carbs/fats/proteins to fuel that metabolism to prime condition! :)

    Go get it girl!
  • chickielou
    chickielou Posts: 47
    Yip, I will definetly start doing more of that. Baby steps, I have started today have porridge for breakfast. Ive also bought some low fat muesli with seeds to have on days I dont feel like porridge. Finances are a bit tight here which also makes buying fresh healthy stuff difficult also (I hate that eating healthy is more expensive) and its winter here too so salads arent gonna be so cheap to buy......will try to eat more stirfries