Hi to tropical north queenslanders and everybody else

I'm new to this site and loving it!!!
I'm already one year into my weightloss journey and still a lot to go.
Looking for motivation and buddies to share experience and stories.
Feel free to add me as a friend
Also looking for fitness partners in Cairns

Thanks all


  • nursekj
    nursekj Posts: 100 Member
    Hi there, congrats on weight loss! I'm in far north NZ but not tropical here. Glad you guys were spared this summer from too much damage! I love QLD, the Cowboys Are supported by my parents who lived in Townsville for years so I must visit the far north.

    I've been on here since April and lost about 6 kg so it's a great tool!

    All the best on your journey , it would be great to have some more aussies who are awake the same time as us so add me if you like.

    Cheers, Karlee :-)
  • barb2465
    barb2465 Posts: 8
    Hi Just got back from a holiday up in Cairns. Thinking of moving up there (i am in Melb) we have family in Mission Bay. Good luck on the weight journey and would love to keep in touch thru MFP Barb
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    Well hi from definately NOT tropical Scotland, would love some tropical heat now and again, just to get out and walk in the sunshine instead of the rain would be a bonus.
  • noni77
    noni77 Posts: 58 Member

    I'm from NSW and new to MFP. Loving it already!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :smile:

    Definitely not tropical here today - HAD to do my walk indoors on the treadmill. :laugh: