Hello :)

Good morning!

I wanted to take a few seconds and introduce myself.

My name is Kim. I have always been a little heavy, even as a kid. In school, I was the first girl wearing junior clothing in grade school. In college, I fluctuated between a size 8/10 and a 16 in college and then went to grad school and stayed about a size 12. About a week after I started my job after grad school, my father died and when I got back to upstate NY I gained a lot of weight. At my heaviest, I was at 198 pounds. I went to the gym sporadically and got down to about 187. When I was 27, I decided to start figure skating again, which I had done as a kid. From there, I got down to 175 and a size 12 pants. This past year, I had a new start - I was starting a new job and I decided that it was time to get serious about getting in shape - plus, I was looking to improve my skating. So, I started working out with a trainer and going to the gym last July. I am down to a size 8 and about 164 pounds. While the weight is one thing, I know that I have gained a lot of muscle, so I don't put too much credit in my actual weight. I am just nervous because if I lose more inches on my waist and have to go down another pants size, my thighs won't fit into the next size down - my thighs are all muscle from figure skating (I can almost leg press 400 pounds)! But, those are good fears to have :)

The one piece that is difficult for me is diet. My trainer had me try to do low carb/extremely high protein and that was almost impossible for me. So, he suggested this site for the food log and I am finding just simple calorie counting much easier than just eating meat for every meal (I actually don't like to eat a lot of meat, so that was a huge struggle for me). So, here I am, trying to get down to a healthy weight - about 140, but also looking to feel better and look better.

In summer 2009 I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries and put on both birth control pills and metformin. My doctor said that if I got down to 150 pounds, that I could go off of the metformin. That is a huge part of my motivation currently because my next appointment will be in September and even if the scale doesn't reach that number, I know that I have done my best and I have still lost a lot of fat and gained a lot of muscle over the course of this year.

I recently just purchased my first bikini since I was about 10 (or younger). I bought it, but haven't had the guts to wear it. I told a friend who said that we will go to her sister's pool, however, just buying the suit took guts, wearing it is another thing!

Thanks :)



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    contrats and good luck on continued success.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Congrats on all of your accomplishments - they are many and they are awesome...you should be very proud of yourself and you have come to the right place to reach your goals. My mini-goal is to get down to 140 and I'm almost there, but it seems to be getting a little more difficult for me. I don't figure skate(I think that is just fabulous), heck I can't even roller skate, but the stationary bike is my new best friend and I know what you mean about gaining the muscle in the lower body...from the waist up is where I have problems, lol...this journey will take you to many places including some minor disappointments, but they can all be rectified, I assure you...you seem to have the right perspective and I believe that you will be very successful in what you are trying to do so welcome to the site! If you don't mind being friends with someone who doesn't always do everything just right, has a good(sometimes crazy) sense of humor and is currently battling menopause, add me if you like...I wish you much success on your journey, so WORK IT OUT GIRL!!!:smokin: :drinker: :glasses: